Friday, 29 November 2024

A World in Crisis

Post Manuscript World Contemplation Intro: 11/24 -

"You think you are the wave but you are the ocean. This is the truth I point to."


          - A World in Crisis: the weird and the wonderful.

For me, the so-called material and physical world with all its ever-changing anomalies, dramas and creations is still a miraculous, strange, beautiful and curious appearance, experience and event.


It is still strange and puzzling to me to think and quietly observe and contemplate that one day this temporary self-aware embodied form and conscious construct with all its ever-changing, impersonal and fleeting thoughts, feelings, perceptions, views, ideas, opinions, urges and sensory experiences will be no more, and yet I fully acknowledge, accept and know this is simply the way things are in this transitory dual material and conceptual world and realm of constant change and changing creations. 

Attachment to this world of change and all its creations can only cause us suffering.

As with all spiritual and philosophical teachings, both past and present, they continuously remind and tell us all that there is no real permanence to be had, found, gained and owned in the worldly things, forms, phenomena, dramas, projections, impulses, desires, urges and creations of this ever-changing conditioned and conceptual fleeting and transitory material and physical world of constant change. All so-called things, forms, dramas, phenomena and creations are permanently marked and bound by impermanence. However much we might try to attach and hold on to things, experiences and creations, all this will come to pass. All these so-called things, dramas, experiences and creations are transitory and will eventually cease to be.

        Impermanence is the very conditioned nature of all things, forms, phenomena and creations.


            - Direct Experience

Even now today with all that I enthusiastically and confidently present and share here, both spiritually and philosophically, on this so-called esoteric blog on the true absolute nature and truth of reality, identity and experience, I am still slightly mystified and over-shadowed by the world's seeming meaningless, randomness, chaos, brutality and questionable profound and miraculous existence, spontaneity, order, indifference and beauty. Maybe it is all simply a beautiful and strange spontaneous miraculous mystery and cosmic happening and event that is truly beyond any of us to really and fully unravel and solve in any genuine conclusive, agreeable and satisfactory way. Perhaps this is the great unknown of knowing.

However much we might acquire, gain, own and have in this fleeting and ever-changing world of constant change and transitory creations and phenomena it will not prevent or stop the passing and ending of all sensory things, forms, dramas, creations, realms, urges, impulses, desires and events. This is its ever-present unsatisfactory, ever-changing and restless nature. Absolute.

"For me, all moments are a unique one time expression of Reality. Unique and yet transitory. Only this Reality endures. Only this Reality is real. All creation is this ever-present awake and known Reality."

"You are the ocean, not the waves. Wake up and know."

As I see and experience it, it is very easy for us as individualized forms and self-aware constructs to become and be very mentally and emotionally attached, identified and invested in this impersonal and imperfect physical appearance and mental construct and projection that we call mind and body, and all the ever-changing sensory worldly experiences, urges, desires, dramas and sensations that come with having them, despite being aware and knowing it will all be cast aside eventually. As a temporary self-aware construct death awaits us all. For me, this is an ever-present worldly and material puzzle that has always stayed with me; wanting, waiting and needing to be solved. What is real? What is it to exist and not exist? 

        Who am IWhat is the truth of Reality?

           - Understanding the Great Mystery

For me, as a temporary self-aware embodied and sensory world construct and form, it has always been somewhat puzzling and challenging to always observe, experience and accept an ever-changing and ageing material and conceptual world that is consistently plagued and impacted by hatred, cruelty, greed, hardship, poverty, sickness, loss, authoritarianism, conflict, superiority, indifference and inequality. This is not to say there are not beautiful things and rewarding phenomena and unique moments to experience, love, acquire, share and have in this temporary worldly and material fleeting miraculous experience and existence of birth, living, ageing, decay and dying, but as with all conditioned, created and conceptual things, creations, forms, dramas and phenomena, this too will all come to pass and end. As a temporary self-aware embodied and sensory conscious construct and form we all have to let it all go in the end. Impermanence is the very conditioned and unsatisfactory nature of all things, phenomena, forms, dramas and creations.

Attachment to this world of change and all its transitory creations can only result in suffering.


To simply and freely love, celebrate, share and accept who we are and what life is, in and of itself, can be a day-to-day challenge for many of us, as well as dealing with the constant impersonal ebb and flow of worldly changes, dramas, expectations, demands, needs, impulses and challenges we will all have to face in one way or another as we navigate, live, act and play out this ever-changing and transitory material realm and physical world of constant change and creations. 

Worldly existence, by its very own nature, can make it challenging and hard for any of us to be consistently and fully content and satisfied in all that it offers, presents, delivers, gives, shares and is. It can at times be challenging and frustrating to consistently and fully understand, accept and make peace with the way things are in this ever-changing impersonal and sometimes brutal dual sensory material and conceptual world and universe. The ever-changing world and all its on-going dramas and creations can seem totally indifferent and unconcerned for the day-to-day demands, wants, urges and needs of having and living this miraculous  transitory embodied self-aware and ever-changing existence. 

And yet, for me, all moments of experience and experiencing can be seen and known as a unique never to be lived again expression of Reality. It is really only Reality that truly endures and exists. Reality is the truth, identity, essence, expression and origin of all things, phenomena, forms, dramas and creations.

            - To be Awake!

Here we all are in all our diverse, miraculous, beautiful and shared exposed, unpredictable and vulnerable conscious humanity temporarily and uniquely living, acting and playing out a transitory and fleeting self-aware embodied experience and existence of awareness knowingly knowing with all certainty it will sooner or later end and cease to be, and we have no real certainty and assurance as to when and how. Certainly for me, it has always raised and presented the contemplative and meditative question of who am I before I am and what am I when I no longer exist as a self-aware physical conscious sensory construct, projection and form? Who am I? What is this?

                    What is real? What is true happiness and freedom?

And yet as a fully embodied self-aware mind/body construct and form I am still baffled and puzzled by the reality of fully acknowledging, accepting and knowing the ever-present and harsh fact that, as I know my present self-aware embodied sensory experience and existence to be, I will in some near or distant future and uncertain time not be present as this particular and unique self-aware embodied conscious form in this ever-changing impersonal physical and material construct, realm and reality of space, time and form. All these worldly, material and sensory experiences, perceptions and dramas are limited, fleeting and temporary. All this will come to cease and end. All things, dramas, phenomena, forms and creations are bound and marked by impermanence. And yet, for me, all moments of sensory experience, existence and having experience can be viewed and seen as unique and ever-changing impersonal and cognitive expressions of Reality.

For me, it is only Reality that endures. It is this Reality that is absolute Truth.


For me, when silently considering and contemplating the truth of impermanence and the unsatisfactory nature of all things, dramas and creations it still completely amazes and baffles me that this ever-changing and impersonal sensory dual material, diverse and complex world of change and creations is still so largely driven, shaped, dominated and impacted by inequality, intolerance, hatred, greed, prejudice, misery, conflict, war, violence, self-importance and authoritarianism. It is crazy to me to think that such a small minority of individuals have and own so much of the world's material wealth and such a large volume of the world population still have so little of it. Let me be clear, who actually needs £100 billion dollars or even £1 billion dollars to live and play out such a short, temporary and fleeting existence? And so too with power. No individual in these present times should be trusted, let alone allowed, to have such extreme and unnecessary levels of wealth, status, authority, control, self-importance, superiority and power? I think world events, both past and present, show us all that it puts all our precious, worthy and fleeting lives at risk. And yet, these are only the waves of experience and not the ocean that I point to.

            For me, directly and intimately knowing the Truth and being awake is all that truly matters.

        - What is real?

I do ask myself as a physical embodied self-aware conscious construct, how is it that we as an on-going shared and global community still allow such a small minority of individuals or group of individuals to have so much authority, power, wealth, status and control over all our fragile, miraculous and vulnerable lives even when so many of these elected or non-elected individuals do little or nothing to improve, protect or better our day-to-day experience and ease of living, well-being, ageing, existing, happiness, peace, security, safety and dying? For me, this is certainly another unwelcome perplexing and challenging part of this so-called world and universal puzzle. The seeming unsatisfactory, fractured and restless nature of this ever-changing world of change and all its creations, indifference and dramas.

Why do we as a shared, intelligent and self-aware evolved species continue to allow, follow and accept a mostly out-dated consumerism and hierarchy world model that still only serves and benefits a very tiny minority of people in simply increasing, securing and protecting their already ridiculous and unnecessary gross levels of wealth, status, self-importance, control, self-gratification, authority, dominance and power? Maybe this is simply the imperfect and unsatisfactory nature of all creation and phenomena? Only Reality will endure all this. Reality is Truth. For me, only Reality is not tainted, touched or altered by any of this. The waves of existence do not alter, lessen, stop or remove the ocean.

Attachment and aversion to this on-going world of change can only result in suffering.

            - Knowing Truth

Of course with the spiritual and philosophical revelations presented and offered here on this esoteric blog I do see and accept the transcendental beauty and perfection in and of it all beyond what is material, physical, sensory, impersonal and conceptual. With the mystery of it all I do still silently marvel and celebrate at the very existence of what this beautiful and perplexing life, world and vast universe actually is and all the challenges, dramas, forms, creations and changes it delivers, offers and presents. Be it the on-going joys and sorrows, the gains and the losses, the successes and the failures. The pleasures and pain. The highs and the lows. The mundane and the miraculous. The world's quiet beauty and all its cruelty and indifference.

"You are the ocean, not the wave. Only this knowing of Reality can set you free."

As I see it, we all exist now as a unique and worthy temporary self-aware sensory embodied construct and conscious form of all that has come to pass and we also exist now as all that is yet to come. As I see it we are all the past, present and future as a unique, beautiful and worthy temporary embodied self-aware sensory moment and conscious construct of Reality. Embodied, multiple and diverse expressions of Reality. This is absolutely something I believe and feel we can all directly come to fully recognize, know, respect and celebrate in all the beauty and brutality of birth, living, existing, playing, ageing, decay and dying. 

The on-going complexity and diversity of it all and its endless impersonal multiplicity and diversity of creations, forms, dramas, projections, desires, impulses and phenomena is its real immaculate and sacred beauty - its real transcendental, questionable, compelling and alluring  mystery. For me, it is all the one Reality recognizing, realizing and knowing its own timeless, boundless and limitless Reality. What some spiritual thinkers, teachers and yogis reference and label as God-consciousness. It is Reality becoming and being fully conscious of its own immaculate and boundless existence, unity and enduring presence. The I am of I am. Oneness. The ocean, not the waves, and yet the ocean and the waves are one. Absolute.


As I see and know it, we all momentarily exist as a unique, beautiful and worthy temporary sensory embodied conscious expression of Reality in a space-time continuum that has unlimited potential and endless on-going possibilities. Both creative and destructive. Both loving and harmful. Both unique and similar. Both small and great. Both many and one. Both beautiful and dark. Both joyous and sad. Both pleasing and unsatisfactory. Both mundane and miraculous. Both rewarding and disappointing.

Wrongly or rightly, personally I do not think the past and present day world politics and organised religions have all the answers to what our future humanity should look like, become and be. It is its own on-going dance. This is the mystery that calls us to know. The waves and the ocean are one.

            - A New Paradigm

We all share and live in an ever-changing impersonal world of constant change that is still largely impacted and plagued by war, conflict, authoritarianism, greed, control, separation, hatred, prejudice, intolerance, violence, consumerism, self-gratification, ignorance and self-importance. 

With all the present day global environmental challenges and climate changes facing the future of our on-going precious, miraculous and shared humanity we all urgently need a fully united, enlightened and agreeable world leadership and collected consciousness and certainly not the present day divided and volatile one. World leaders or hierarchy individuals pursuing their own self-centred self-interests and personal desires to have more and more power, wealth, ownership, control, status, self-importance, superiority, self-gratification and authority will not bring a much needed united world consciousness and collective intention that will seriously act in the best interests and needs of the present day and future environmental challenges and climate changes that we will all have to face going forward. 

I'd certainly like to think in the very near future that a new, enlightened and shared paradigm or world consciousness will reveal and show itself in all the unrest and conflict that plagues, harms and impacts this present day material and physical world of constant change. I would like to think, perhaps foolishly, that what is freely and lovingly offered and presented here on this esoteric blog might potentially influence and contribute in some positive, constructive, awakened and enlightened way. An invitation to be awake!

                Who knows?

All I know is we all deserve better than what most of us are still managing and facing today. For me, we are a world in crisis and it is urgently in need of an enlightened, united , intelligent and loving world shift in consciousness and leadership, certainly if humanity is to unite, endure and survive. Obviously, these are only my present day world views, opinions and thoughts on the volatile and vulnerable state of the world. I am no one of any importance or influence and I am not saying any of this for us to get down on life. I am not trying to incite guilt, shame, worry, aversion, fear or blame. For me, it is all a spiritual calling to liberation, higher consciousness and awakened thought in the ever-changing face of it all. It is an attempt to fully reveal and establish Truth as the potential building blocks of life, birth, living, ageing, existing, decay and dying and the on-going uncertain, vulnerable and fragile future of humanity. 

            This is not nihilism. It is a genuine love for all that is. The silence and still beauty of life.

My genuine love and prayers to you all. Please if you can help support and share this esoteric blog it would be deeply appreciated. A sincere thank you to all. To all embodied souls and self-aware constructs who remain fully committed to love, freedom, unity, longevity, wisdom, equality and peace, I salute you all. We all deserve and need a united, enlightened, awake and loving world, not a divided and toxic one. All one.


    Blessed be. Be awake.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual, inspirational and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

All these things will come to pass. Only Truth endures.

The one who is ignorant identifies with the wave. The one who is awake identifies with the ocean.

This is how I know it to be. Be awake.

Monday, 9 January 2023

The Many Faces of the One

What is this?

Who am I?

To all those world-wide embodied souls and truth-seekers who might or have visited and viewed this spiritual and philosophical contemplative blog -

           This will be my last and final additional article to this blog 'The Many Faces of the One'. 


As an embodied self and temporary physical self-aware construct I have personally reached the end of all that I have to say on this esoteric matter of fully realizing and knowing the ultimate truth of reality, identity and experience. This being the complete and final unity of Reality and all creation as one. Oneness.

I'd like to think that my so-called embodied personal and impersonal rambling has finally played itself out. Hoorah, Allah! Praise be to God! I can finally rest in complete contemplative silence on this much debated and carefully considered spiritual and philosophical matter. I may add some additional notes here and there after re-reading and reviewing any of the uploaded articles and notes but I can assure you that the compiled body of written work and collected material is now here in full to read, consider, examine, explore, challenge, ignore and maybe even contemplate and realize.

One with God. Identified with God. Complete unity with God. All One!

       Post-article 2024 note *Please always keep in mind and remember, that what is written and presented here on this esoteric and philosophical blog is only the spiritual ramblings and present revelations and conclusions of one embodied and spiritually inquisitive self-aware soul and committed truth-seeker and they must definitely be approached, viewed, read and treated as such. These spiritual and contemplative compiled unpublished philosophical writings and works do not represent a universal or collective opinion, view, belief or ideology. These are my own collected insights and present spiritual revelations and conclusions on the true nature of reality, experience and identity, although I am fully aware that some of them are certainly shared historically and universally by other like-minded embodied souls, esoteric and religious thinkers, truth-seekers, philosophers and yogis, both past and present.

These carefully compiled spiritual and philosophical writings and works are not here to oppose or dispute any other religious or spiritual teachings, ideologies, beliefs, views or philosophies. In fact, they are not here to oppose anything or anyone. This is my ultimate Truth as I presently know it to be. It is my own on-going direct and intimate relationship with God and Reality as I live and know it to be and what is presented here should be approached, viewed, read, investigated, challenged, examined and treated as such. I view and consider my temporary embodied self-aware self as a single-minded person and thinker of God. One who fully identifies with God. What I, rightly or wrongly, consider to be an atman-yogi - an embodied spiritual seer and lover of the highest Truth - Oneness. A lover of God. Of, Allah. Of, Krishna. Of, Truth.


"The one true miracle we all seek is Reality itself. Despite all its seeming chaos, cruelty, indifference and darkness, existence and to exist is the miracle we all embody and share. We are all the miracle, lived and played out, right here and now. This is the inexhaustible beauty, unity and perfection of all things, dramas and creations. All creations and phenomena have their existence and time with God alone The present is the past and the future. You are all that the past has been and you are all that the future will be. All one."

            This is what it is to be awake.


These carefully compiled unpublished esoteric writings and works are simply here for any or all spiritual and philosophical inquisitive mind, thinkers and truth-seekers to view, read, consider, dismiss and perhaps even examine, investigate, explore, challenge and self discover. On my part there is no personal or intended hidden agenda or expectation attached to them. They simply are what they are, as directly guided and given. I only do and serve as intuitively guided and directed. This is what I consider to be a personal and heartfelt recorded and stated testament of my every-day relationship with God and Reality as I presently live, view and know it. Nothing more and nothing less. All is as it is. One Reality. One Truth. One enduring Identity. The present is the past and the future. All One. Oneness.

I have lived and I am presently living this as my own experiential realized and embodied Truth.

Wrongly or rightly, I see it all as an selfless and embodied guided and directed personal and impersonal attempt at an emotional rewarding act of love, gratitude, grace and kindness in total honor and respect of all universal spiritual, religious, transcendental and philosophical teachings, ideologies, dogmas, beliefs, views and practices, both past and present, potentially and purposely pointing to the one ultimate, perennial, unchanging, timeless and unsurpassable Truth. What I personally see and know as esoteric medicine for the soul. This one universal and perennial Truth and medicine being the complete and final unity and knowing of Reality and all creation and forms as one - Oneness. For me, the Self and the universe are one and the same. Reality and the universe are one and the same. All one. Oneness.

One Reality. One Truth. One enduring and timeless Identity. All One.

This esoteric Truth and Reality that I communicate and speak of being one inexhaustible and enduring supreme Intelligence and Identity known, expressed, celebrated, praised, shared and served in many different names, forms, beliefs, views, ideologies, practices, dogmas and ways. Be it God, Krishna, Allah, the Tao, 'emptiness', Buddha-nature or simply Reality as it is. Personally I make no distinction. To me, it is all one unchanging, ever-present, timeless and enduring Truth, Identity and Reality, despite whatever name, label or conceptual dogma, opinion, belief, construct or view we might give or attach to it. It is as it is. Unchanging, boundless, ageless, timeless, inexhaustible, without attributes, untouched, ever-present, immaculate and eternal. Of this, I remain mindful.

All is Eternity seeing, recognizing, realizing and knowing Eternity. All One.

"He who sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings no longer hides in fear. For the man of wisdom, in whom all beings have become his own Self, how can delusion, how can sorrow befall the seer of oneness? He is all-pervading, shining, bodiless, unscarred, without sinews, pure, untouched by sin. He is the seer, wise, encompassing all, self-existent." - The Upanishads


What is openly and freely offered, delivered, communicated and presented here is one man's messy and genuine guided and directed attempt and on-going committed endeavor to make complete peace with death and the on-going demands, changes, conditions, challenges and needs of living and playing out this somewhat seemingly weird but beautifully strange, miraculous and ever-changing embodied self-aware transitory existence. It is one man's genuine spiritual and philosophical on-going and committed search and need for absolute Truth and the complete return back to Godhead. What I see and know as the true ageless and timeless Self, realizing, knowing, respecting, serving, celebrating and loving the Self so to speak. Reality fully as it is. Here and now and always. One Reality. One Truth. One enduring Identity. This is the one universal and absolute Truth that unites us all, totally free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, separateness, difference and intolerance. A timeless and ever-present Truth that fully recognizes and acknowledges that we are all born of 'emptiness', have our being in 'emptiness' and we all return to 'emptiness', having never really left 'emptiness'. As stated, the Self and the universe are one and the same. Reality and the universe are one and the same. All One.

There is no-where from which I came.

And there is no-where to which I go.

I never arrived therefore I never really leave.

I am the ever-present and all-knowing enduring Self.

Ageless, limitless, boundless, timeless and deathless.


I would like to personally and continually acknowledge and thank all the unexpected world-wide visitors and souls who have so far intentionally or unintentionally visited, graced and viewed this esoteric and philosophical blog on the timeless Truth and unity of all creation, forms and existence. I salute you all. Blessed be.

You have all unknowingly helped and encouraged me as a temporary embodied self and self-aware transitory conscious construct to fully commit and complete this on-going guided and directed earthly endeavor to continue to closely question, examine, explore, challenge and investigate the truth of reality, experience and identity. To ask, 'what is real?' It has certainly also helped me, the embodied mind-body construct, find my own genuine and so-called worthy place in the ever-changing and challenged sensory world of transitory things, dramas, constructs, forms, beliefs, opinions, views, creations and phenomena, whilst all the time residing and continuously identifying with ultimate Truth. Be it God, Krishna, Allah, the Tao, 'emptiness', Buddha-nature or simply Reality as it is. This Truth being the true oneness and unity of all creation, existence and phenomena. This Reality being our one true and real enduring, deathless and timeless nature, identity and essence.

I am deeply and genuinely grateful to all world-wide and embodied souls and awakened constructs for this gracious and worthwhile blessing. My only genuine and personal earthly impersonal wish would be for this perennial and timeless Truth to reach, touch and influence as many expressions, creations and forms of Reality as humanly possible. Despite the large volume of unpublished esoteric and philosophical works and writings offered, compiled and presented here, it is a simple and selfless intended nudge and reminder of the true unity, nature, oneness and interconnectedness of all creation, phenomena, constructs, dramas, creations, worlds, realms and forms. As it is. All One. An ever-present, timeless and enduring universal Truth totally free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, division, self-importance, difference, superiority and intolerance. 

As I see and know it, we are all born of the Self, have our temporary embodied existence in and of the Self and we all return to the Self, having never really left the Self. Here by the grace of God, Reality, am I and all creations. The Self and the universe are always one and the same. This is our one true and real enduring, deathless and timeless nature. Reality as it is. This is what it is to be awake.

            This is the absolute unity I live, celebrate and speak of. All One. Oneness.


As I see and know it, we are all born, created and made of the Self, have our being in and with the Self and finally returning to the Self, having never really ever left the Self, and having always been the Self. Our sole existence as the fleeting, miraculous and transitory song, dance and play of it all is simply to fully realize, love, serve, honor, know, respect and celebrate the true Self in all creation, things, constructs, dramas, phenomena and forms. As I see and know it, this is the only lasting and genuine way to complete enduring universal unity, love, freedom, tolerance, respect, wisdom, immortality and peace. What I see as us simply fully realizing and knowing that the Self and the universe are one and the same. It is the transcendental and complete Self-realization and knowledge of our true nature, identity and essence - our Buddha-nature. The past is the present and the present is the future. The future is the present and the past. All one. Oneness.

One Truth. One Reality. One Identity. All One.

"Those who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. Those who believe and do right: joy is for them and bliss their journey's end. The East and the West belong to Allah: wherever you turn there is His face. Allah is all pervading and all knowing." - The Qur'an

I openly admit and acknowledge I am no Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru or Rupert Spira but I do take great joy in the knowing that such influential and trusted embodied spiritual thinkers and committed truth-teachers as these are reaching and influencing such a large and world-wide interested spiritual and philosophical thirsty audience. I also appreciate that the human condition, for what it is, presents us all with a variety of individual, different and collective inward and outward challenges, changes and obstacles to overcome and it is easy to want to create strong personal and collective stories, ideas, views, opinions, beliefs, ideologies and conclusions as to why things are the way they are in order to find and have lasting acceptance, relief, happiness, freedom, security, certainty, immortality and comfort. We all know with time, as embodied self-aware transitory forms and constructs, that our created and conditioned lives will come to pass, cease and end. As embodied souls and self-aware constructs we are all here for a limited time only. It is very clear and perhaps unsettling and painful in the vast strangeness and beauty of it all to know that in one way or another we are all temporary bodily visitors on an ever-changing, transient and ever-challenged evolving and devolving planet. 

Attachment to the world of change and all its creations can only result in suffering.

My own personal and impersonal embodied spiritual and truth-seeking commitments have certainly been one of endlessly trying to understand and fully accept death and all the loss, cruelty, hatred, confusion, pain and disappointment that can come with simply living, ageing and dying, both individually and universally. What you will find, examine and read here are the unfolding findings, revelations and messy spiritual and philosophical conclusions of one man's on-going genuine spiritual and worldly endeavor to overcome the feeling and impact of suffering and what it is to be fully awake and identified with the concept, identity, truth and idea of God. To directly know what it is and means to be fully in the conceptual and cognitive world of dramas, constructs, appearances, ideas and stuff but not to be identified with it or attached to it. To finally and purposely make peace with the transient and ever-changing anomaly of birth, living, existing, ageing and dying, totally free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, separateness, superiority and intolerance. To fully know what it is to be truly God-conscious. To be fully awake and free of ignorance and suffering. An Atman-yogi. One who has fully realized that the Self of the individual is totally identical to the Self of the universe. One Identity, One Reality. One Truth. Genuinely and fully knowing the bliss and freedom of Self-knowledge. The Self and all creations as one. This is what it is to be awake.

"Be still and know I am God. I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." - Psalm 46:10 The Bible


As a personal note, I'd like to think the one thing or insight anyone can really take from all these compiled unpublished spiritual and philosophical writings and works is some genuine awareness and clarity into the impermanence and emptiness of it all - the simple transcendental truth and life-affirming acceptance of the way things really are - the perennial and unchanging Truth of reality, experience and identity - Oneness. Fully, intimately and directly recognizing, realizing and knowing one's true deathless nature and essence.

For me, our true essence, nature and identity is with God and God alone. For me, this is the enduring and changeless Truth that establishes and unites us all regardless of appearances, form, opinions, views, beliefs, attitudes, differences, ideas, dramas and behavior. For me, all is the one Absolute, regardless of the name we might use, give and attach to it. Be it God, Krishna, Allah, the Tao, 'emptiness', Buddha-nature or simply Reality as it is. This one universal Truth is our true ever-present and enduring essence, origin, presence and nature, completely free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, superiority and intolerance. It is a Truth that fully recognizes and acknowledges that we are all born of the Self, have our being in and with the Self and we all eventually return to the Self, having never really left the Self. 

This is the one true ever-present and timeless Seer of all. In this supreme transcendental Self-knowledge all creation and creations are known and celebrated as this one Truth.

One Reality. One Identity. One enduring, immaculate and changeless Truth. All One.

As I see and know it, there is no forever in the worldly things, conditions, constructs, events, creations, views, opinions, projections, ideas and dramas of this ever-changing and transient conceptual and cognitive world of the senses. All these so-called happenings, dramas, situations, constructs, phenomena and events will eventually come to pass, cease and end. It is unavoidable. Only pure Reality is eternal and real.

For any of us as a physical and embodied self-aware construct and transitory form there might not be a next year, a next month, a next week or even a next day. This is the uncertainty, certainty and truth of having an embodied self-aware existence. This is a mortal and humanitarian position that we all embody and share regardless of our personal circumstances, fortunes or misfortunes, gains and losses, views, opinions, status, ideologies, wealth, self-importance, culture and beliefs. For me, certainly precious and deserving are all living things, creatures, creations and forms. For me, all appearances and constructs are a moment of eternity temporarily embodied here for a limited time. This is what I mean by the 'emptiness' of it all. For me, our true identity, essence and nature is always with the one true and enduring inexhaustible Self. What you might call or know to be 'God', 'Krishna', 'Allah', the 'Tao' or simply Reality as it is. One ultimate Truth or Reality as it is known and served by many names, beliefs, views, ideologies, opinions, dogmas and interpretations. One Reality. One Truth. One inexhaustible Identity. All One. I am within you and you are within me. We are one and the same. The Self and the universe are one and the same. Reality and the universe are one and the same. The past is the present and the present is the future. All One.

You are Eternity seeing, recognizing, realizing and knowing Eternity.

"All is change in the world of the senses, but changeless is the supreme Lord of Love. Meditate on him, be absorbed in him, wake up from the dream of separateness."

                                                                                                            - The Upanishads


Let me also make this point absolutely clear to all: this is not a blog about becoming or being religious or spiritual, or blindly following a well presented and argued esoteric ideology, view, opinion, belief or philosophy. This is one person's individual and messy guided attempt to examine, explore, understand and accept the truth and struggles of the human condition and the ever-changing vicissitudes of birth, ageing, pain, loss, grief, restlessness, worry, confusion, insecurity, hatred, uncertainty and death. In some small way it is a genuine attempt to fully come to terms with the human condition and experience and not to shy or hide away from it. It is an on-going attempt to explore, understand and accept what it is to be fully human and what it is to not be bound, limited, paralyzed, fooled, hindered, confused, trapped and entangled by it. To know what it is to be totally fearless and free in both living and dying.

I am always asking of my embodied self-aware conscious self, who or what is the one having all these spiritual revelations? What is it to be fully in the world, awake and yet not imprisoned, entangled or limited by it? This is what has personally inspired me and brought me back to Godhead. This being the Truth and identity with one ever-present and enduring Reality as it is. The one true essence, source and origin of all transitory creation, forms, experiences, names, dramas, phenomena, beliefs and things. For me, it is the one Truth that universally unites us all regardless of appearances, circumstances, status, beliefs, culture, ideologies, views and behavior, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, superiority and intolerance. Reality truly as it is. Of this we can all become completely mindful - the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. One Reality. One deathless and unchanging immaculate Self.


What is this?

Who am I?

What is here to read, consider and contemplate has all mostly been driven by the past personal embodied fear and confusion of death and the visiting sense of meaninglessness and hopelessness that can appear at times to permeate the ever-changing strangeness, challenges and restless waters of birth, ageing, pain, loss, grief, worry, lack, disappointment, insecurity, uncertainty, hatred and death. The what, why, how and the who. Nothing particularly special or new in esoteric, religious and philosophical thinking and thought although I feel it to be totally worthy and valuable to the human experience and condition. Especially when so many embodied souls, constructs and forms are constantly trying to overcome and change the injustices and hardships caused by those in a grossly privileged, affluent and self-important position of status, power, entitlement, authority, material and financial superiority. I know how easy it is to feel limited, bound, paralyzed, fearful, fooled, weak and threatened by the things, dramas, conditions and events of this ever-changing and transient conceptual world especially when we are strongly identified with them or feel hindered and burdened by them or attached.

Attachment to the world of change can only result in suffering.

Of course I know this embodied self-aware form and transitory construct will die. It will disappear and end sooner or later. It might remain a temporary memory or impression in the mind of others for a short or long period of so-called conceptual and cognitive time. People might speak of it or not, but it will be no more. For me, this is the strangeness, beauty and emptiness of it all and this somewhat material dis-ease and dis-content of the human condition and experience resulted in one man's messy but genuine committed attempt and struggles to make sense of it all and to fully understand and overcome suffering

                To be awake.

What is written, presented and shared here has been one man's inner and outward struggle and on-going spiritual pursuit to fully realize and establish a genuine understanding and knowledge of reality, experience and identity and a need for real and enduring peace, acceptance, love, satisfaction, truth, fearlessness, simplicity, beauty and freedom in the chaos, uncertainty, cruelty, weirdness, miraculous and messiness of it all. The simple and direct Self-realization that however much we, as an embodied form and conscious construct, might create, build, consume, acquire, have, achieve, control, desire and accumulate, death will certainly win out in the end. Only Reality endures the passing of all things and creations.

For me, the only real permanence is 'emptiness'. It is an unchanging Truth and presence that endures all and is ever-present. It is the one true indestructible and enduring essence, source, presence and origin of all things, forms and creations. It is a Truth that sets us free of all that is limiting, changing, fleeting, false and binding. It is the one enduring and indestructible source, origin and essence of all creation and the one same boundless source to which all creations return, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance and intolerance. Of this we must all be mindful - the Self and the universe are one and the same.

One Truth. One Identity. One enduring Reality. All One.

I'd like to think that this universal and perennial Truth is clearly present here in these collected spiritual and philosophical unpublished writings and works even if my interpretations of it are a bit all over the place, which is not surprising because my embodied life has been a bit all over the place too. Genuinely, the truth and enduring nature of reality, experience and identity is all that matters to me and to this I remain fully committed and identified. Of course there is always the possibility that I am completely wrong, but I stand firm by the Buddha's teaching on 'impermanence'. For me, seeing the emptiness of it all is to embrace it all for what it is, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, separateness, bondage, superiority, illusion and intolerance. It does not necessarily change what things are but our identity and experience can be one of freedom rather than bondage. One of acceptance rather than denial. One of truth and honesty rather than one of ignorance and confusion. One of kindness rather than ill-will and hatred. One of inclusion rather than exclusion. One of Truth rather than ignorance. One of love rather than shame, blame, hatred, ill-will and anger. I'd like to think in some small way that what is written and presented here can help us all embrace, tolerant and respect our differences and unite us all in the ending of all suffering. This being a fully awake and united world that acknowledges, embraces, respects and celebrates all its diversity and multitude of differences, beliefs, views, ideologies, ideas, opinions and cultures. This is the miracle that is creation.

            We are all united in this miracle of creation. Separation and individuality are illusions.

I am within you and you are within me. We are one and the same. The Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The Self and the universe are one and the same. This is the absolute Truth of Oneness. Of this, I am certain. In this transcendental knowledge the 'I' is absolute peace.


As a final personal reading recommendation note; I would highly recommend to you Rupert Spira's published manuscript titled 'Being Myself' from the Essence of Meditation Series. Despite having the embodied form of being a somewhat short manuscript its enduring and perennial wisdom within is truly boundless, genuine, profoundly deep, insightful and radiate. I find that all that needs to be said is perfectly written and masterfully said. Obviously this is only an individual and personal opinion and recommendation but 'Being Myself' is definitely worth a visit and read for those souls genuinely interested and committed in exploring and understanding the true nature of reality, experience and identity.

Genuinely, in all this craziness, beauty, weirdness, messiness and chaos that can be life thank you all once again for your embodied time, generosity, attention, grace and presence. I'd like to think, like me, you too as a temporary embodied self-aware self and transitory construct will also fully realize and know directly and intimately the true and full miracle of an embodied and awakened heart and mind. And at best with this spiritual and philosophical understanding, insight and knowledge into the ultimate truth of reality, experience and identity fully cultivate and establish an embodied and palpable awakened state and presence of peace, beauty, simplicity, freedom, plenitude, forgiveness, gratitude, fearlessness, acceptance, tolerance, respect, wisdom and love in the esoteric and philosophical knowing of reality, experience and identity as it is - despite the on-going strangeness, uncertainty, impermanence, messiness, craziness, beauty and fleetingness of it all. Nothing special or new, although, for me, definitely worthy, valuable, always needed and rewarding. This is an impersonal and selfless act of love, grace, respect and kindness for the human condition and all its myriad and diversity of transient and ever-changing forms, conditions, dramas, creations, beliefs, challenges, views and behaviors. If any of what is here manages to help lessen or even remove the proliferation of hatred, ill-will, inequality and intolerance in this beautifully strange material and ever-changing world of change then it has been a truly worthwhile and fulfilling endeavor.

For me, it is to fully abide and identify with Truth (God) as the one enduring and unchanging essence, origin, presence and source of all things, appearances, forms, creations, dramas, phenomena and constructs. This is the inexhaustible, indestructible and boundless unity of all creation, phenomena, dramas and forms, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, separateness, bondage and intolerance. One world. One Truth. One united existence. The Self and the universe are one and the same. The Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe - Oneness. The past is the present and the present is the future. All one.

All one. All love. All Spirit. All God.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

There is only really one enduring Reality and ultimately all things are this one ever-present Reality. 

Plain and simple.

I am That! All is That! Reality as it is. Oneness.

An additional post-article reflective note: On reflection of re-reading and editing this esoteric and philosophical blog I do appreciate that in these times of rapid change in thinking and the growing diversity in attitudes and mindsets to spiritual and religious practices, views, beliefs, opinions and ideologies that the usage of the word 'God' or 'Allah' might cause some unwanted or unwelcome confusion, debate, aversion and indifference to these particular unpublished esoteric and philosophical collected writings and works. For me personally this is not a problem or concern and it is something that I am completely comfortable with, be it God, Allah, Tao, Reality as it is, Buddha-nature or Krishna. I simply seek to express the one Truth that unites and bides us all, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, separateness, bondage and intolerance. To always seek to be mindful of God. One with God. United with God. Identified with God.

I fully acknowledge and accept that the use of the word 'God' or even 'Allah' might be off putting and problematic to other minds, constructs and souls in approaching, viewing, examining and contemplating what is available and presented here on this esoteric and philosophical blog. I can assure you it is never my personal intention to misdirect, fool or mislead anyone. For me, figuring out who we really are and what our life is and what it means to be 'me' or us, is an ever-changing and self-fulfilling inward and outward unfolding and layered journey of impersonal and personal self-inquiry and self-discovery in and of itself, and I would never foolishly assume what is here will assist, inspire, complete and fully please everyone who reads it. For me, it is simply the best of what I feel I have freely and spiritually to offer and give to other embodied souls and truth-seekers at this present moment. It simply is, one imperfect finger pointing to the moon. One moment and fragment of eternity temporarily embodied here for a limited time and doing its own unfolding and graced act in an attempt to embrace, unite and love it all. For me, God and Reality are the same. God = Reality and Reality = God. Know God, know Reality. Know Reality, know God. One truth, two concepts. Plain and simple. Make of it what you will. It is my dance. My song. My play. My Atman-Gita - my song of the true deathless Self. Here by the grace of God, am I. It is the song that sings and celebrates that the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The Self and the universe are one and the same. One enduring and timeless Identity.

It is all the 'I-am' of I am.

Its enduring and ever-present silence and stillness is always present and palpable.


As a temporary and conditioned embodied self and self-aware transitory construct and form, I feel it is essential and important to have direct and intimate awareness and clarity in fully understanding and knowing who and what we are and what reality truly is. In this spiritually informed and fully enlightened way we are no longer fooled, trapped, limited, bound or misled by the false worldly illusions and fleeting promises of life. We stop buying so easily into what others are telling us to be and do and firstly figure out who we really are and what it is that really matters to us, ideally free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, self-importance, separateness, bondage and intolerance. The potential knowledge of pure Consciousness.

Rightly or wrongly, I personally feel part of this is directly and honestly facing up to the fleetingness, uncertainty, certainty, mystery and strangeness of it all. For me, it is clearly seeing and knowing, that in a heartbeat or the blink of an eye, all the ever-changing worldly dramas, concerns, events, demands and worries of life and embodied living can suddenly all be over and done with. All that we might endeavor to become and be will not endure forever, and it might all be over much sooner than we actually think. This is simply the way things are whether we embrace it, ignore it, take joy in it or oppose it. I think this is all part of us fully owning our own desire and need for genuine happiness and peace independent of all the on-going changes, dramas, demands and challenges of simply having and living the human condition and experience. It is all transitory, ever-changing and empty whether we choose to embrace it or not. All that is, will cease to exist. Only Reality endures.

Nothing written, presented or offered here is conditional. It only asks us that we might come to intimately and directly know that which we already are regardless of appearances, dramas and behavior, free of opinions, views, beliefs, ideologies, ideas, dogma, concepts, ignorance and suffering. Personally I do not see any of what life is as being anyone's fault. There is no one to really blame. It is simply the way things are. I'd like to think with the invited clarity and wisdom offered here on this spiritual and philosophical blog we can be truly direct and honest with ourselves and others in who we decide to become and be and what we choose do with our lives, or we may even decide to relinquish the need to become and be anything but our innate transcendental and selfless Self. The one true enduring and ever-present true Self. This decision is not for me or anyone to decide. It is yours and yours alone.  It will come by God's own grace. You too will directly and intimately realize and know that the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The Self and the universe are one and the same. This is the truth of Oneness. The Deathless Self.

The Buddha states; "Better to live one day seeing the impermanence of all things than to live a hundred years of being blind to it." In my experience, this spiritual insight alone is certainly a worthy blessing to living a more fulfilling, free, loving, fearless, peaceful, tolerable, open, kind, inclusive, wise and rewarding life. It all opens up and presents us with the real and genuine possibility and potential for a united loving world free of hatred, ill-will, intolerance, prejudice, ignorance, separateness, bondage and suffering and it all begins with us. Who and what we are is what we bring to the world. Better to be awake than asleep. To be free of illusion and falsehood.


 "All sensory experiences and objects of experience are impermanent. Even the very act of having and knowing experience is impermanent, and so too with experiencing. This is why I say that only 'emptiness' is real and that experience, experiencing and all objects of experience are essentially this enduring 'emptiness'. Suffering only exist in relationship to experience and experiencing when we think that which is impermanent is actually real, substantial and permanent. This is what I mean by the 'I-am' of I am. Only 'emptiness' is real and enduring. The only enduring reality is Reality itself. Of this we must be fully mindful to be totally free of all suffering.We are all one with Reality. Reality is us."

None of what is written and presented here can take away the fact that we as self-aware embodied constructs and transitory forms are only brief visitors and souls on an ever-changing and challenged structure of mass named and called Earth and I do not say any of this so we get down on living, ageing and dying. It is to ask and invite us all to open up to the possibility to be true to who we really are and what reality is and to potentially encourage us to make the most of our precious and God gifted and graced time in the ever-changing challenges, dramas and experiences we have and share in this strange anomaly we call living, being and dying. Potentially realizing and knowing that the self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The present is the past and the future is the present. All one.

It doesn't mean that all the challenges, uncertainties, messiness, craziness and unexpected changes and dramas will simply disappear and go away from all our ever-changing lives but it does potentially open up the real possibility and prospect that we all might endeavor to fully live and have a genuine, loving, kind, intimate, tolerant, awaken, real and rewarding life with no regrets, ignorance, hate, shame, anger, fear, ill-will, prejudice, delusion, denial or blame. A genuine, open and honest life where we have freely loved and been loved despite the messiness, strangeness and fleetingness of it all. To fully and directly realize and known the one true ever-present and enduring identity of  'I-am'. For me, it is to directly realize and know that separateness is the illusion and oneness is the Truth. Perhaps only then will we all truly put aside our outward differences and not put walls around ourselves and others. We will all stand united and as one in the diversity, strangeness and beauty of all our fleeting and miraculous humanity and experience.

Perhaps those individuals and groups of individuals in the grossly privileged position of power, status, entitlement, authority, trust and financial superiority in the world will considered more carefully the real impact and damaging consequences of their reluctance and unwillingness to seriously act to protect the livelihoods and welfare of other less fortune souls. This is why I think it is important for us all to know that which is not bound, limited, entangled, threatened, impacted, changed, hindered or touched by the ever-changing things, events, challenges, conditions and dramas of this ever-changing and transitory world of the senses - The Deathless Self. This being the true enduring unity and oneness of all creation, phenomena, creations, dramas and forms. One Truth. One Reality. One enduring Identity. All One. Of this I am always mindful - the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The Self and the universe are one and the same. Reality is what we truly are. This is the truth of the immaculate Self.

Precious is this embodied life and precious is everything and one who takes part in it. 

Thank you. Genuinely, thank you. One thousand trillion obeisances to you all.

I'd like to think you will find something of your true Self in these unpublished esoteric articles and works.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

All is Eternity seeing, recognizing, realizing and knowing Eternity.

Post-article October 2023 note: Let me make this absolutely clear to all who visit and read this blog. The God or Truth I communicate and speak of here is one of pure love and total unification of mind, body and spirit with all things, forms, appearances, phenomena, beliefs, views, ideologies, constructs and creations. What I communicate and speak of is an all encompassing love and unity for all humanity and all creation, differences and forms. For me, it takes no personal stance or position, superiority or authority in or on these matters. It would never seek to intentionally harm, fool or abuse others or ask them to adhere to some formulated dogma, view, ideology, belief or condition. What I speak of, has no self-importance or ideology attached to it. It is Truth as Truth, and Reality as Reality. Plain and simple.

Here by the grace of God am I. Praise be to God. Allah be praised.

What I communicate and speak of, only serves in the complete and full knowledge that all is Truth and Truth alone. It is not self-seeking as to ask, manipulate or need others to serve its own purpose. It simply is as it is. It is love itself, and therefore it is one with all creation, phenomena, creations and forms. It is always loving and serving the Self as Self, and always identified with the Self as and being Self. If the fully awakened heart and mind is genuinely identified with Truth then there is no agenda, position, stance or dogma attached to its existence. It simply is as it is, fully recognizing and knowing this to be the Truth of all creation, forms, dramas and manifestations. For me, when you truly know God then who or what is there to oppose, harm, shame, control, manipulate, fear or hate. All is one with God (Allah) and of God.

For the God-knowing mind, the Self is always with all, in all and as all. One's embodied self-aware temporary and transitory existence is only to love, honor, celebrate and serve all in this supreme spiritual and philosophical Self-knowledge and Truth. This perennial Truth is the unchanging and immaculate Self and therefore not consumed or identified with all that changes. Despite the ever-changing and on-going dramas, conditions, situations and events of this ever-changing sensory and conceptual world it always radiates and fully embodies this supreme Truth. Always loving all and serving all in the supreme pure knowledge of Self (God) as the one true changeless and inexhaustible identity, origin and source of all creation, dramas, forms and things. This universal and unconditioned transcendental love that I speak of asks nothing or anything of anyone. It only adheres to its true identity with the truth of Reality. All things, dramas, forms and creations being born of this one enduring and ever-present Reality, and all things dramas, forms and creations dying to this one enduring and ever-present Reality. One with God. Oneness.

It does not require or need to be served or praised. It is the knowledge of it that serves and honors it. It does not need to acquire, build or have a church, mosque or synagogue in its name. It alone is its own temple and all things always reside in, of and with it. Its enduring and ever-present Truth is universal and therefore it does not seek to make or create walls, conditions and rules to keep others in or out. It is all encompassing and loving of all. It fully celebrates and has love in its own enduring and ever-present existence. It alone is all things and all things are united in its supreme knowing and knowledge. It is one with all whether we honor it, serve it, praises it or not. It is the one true source, essence and origin of all creation. All is united and one in its Truth regardless. One Truth. One Reality. One enduring Identity. All One. This is the supreme truth that the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe. The Self and the universe are one and the same. This is the true oneness of all creation and phenomena. Absolute. Pure and simple.

This is the supreme and unsurpassable Truth and God that I communicate and speak of. Only this.

'One with God. Unity with God. Always with God. Praise be to God. Allah be praised.

Here ends this spiritual communication. Blessed be. I salute you all.

Friday, 30 September 2022



 All worlds and constructs have their becoming and being in me alone.

They exist and resided in me and with me alone.

In me, with me, of me, as me and only because of me alone.

I, alone, am all that is.

The becoming and being of worlds and constructs does not change or affect that which I am.

I am unmoved, unchanged and unaffected by the becoming and being of worlds and constructs.

This includes all sensory objects of mind, mind-consciousness and mind itself.

Both body and mind have their temporary becoming and being in me alone.

The same is true of the senses -

seeing, hearing, taste, smell, touch and mental perception.

All have their temporary becoming and being in me alone.

I alone am the one true source, essence and nature of all that is and all that will ever be.

I alone am the one and true ever-abiding identity and reality of all that is known and unknown.

Existence and non-existence only reside in and with me and of me alone.

I alone am. This truth of reality, experience and identity is absolute, pure and unsurpassable.

Never was I born and never do I die. I forever remain unborn, ageless and deathless

I am without beginning, middle and end.

All forms have their becoming and being in and with me alone, and yet I remain ever formless.

All forms have their birth and death in and with me alone and yet I am without birth or death.

At all times, I remain completely unaffected, unmoved, unhindered, unaltered and unchanged.

I don't come or arrive from anywhere and neither do I leave or go anywhere.

I am completely free of becoming and being.

I am completely free of time, space and form.

I am the ever-present and permanent 'I-am'.

This unsurpassable truth is the one true and ever-abiding identity and reality of all that is.

I am That, I am.

This is the absolute transcendental bliss and pure knowledge of esoteric Self-knowing.

Awaken and always fully abide in this ever-present and enduring state of 'I-am'.

Free, immaculate, inexhaustible, unhindered, unlimited, plentiful and ever-present.

Untouched, unaffected, unmoved, formless, ageless, changeless and deathless.

No one need acquire it, as it alone is.

No one need go in search of it, as it alone is.

It is completely free of time, space and form, therefore ever-present and fully attained.

No one need find it, as it was never truly lost.

No one need attain it, as it is what we already are.

It alone is, as 'I-am'.

All alone and everything is this. Plain and simple.

This transcendental bliss is indestructible, boundless, inexhaustible, real, permanent, palpable, enduring, unlimited, eternal, pure and ever-present.

Blessed are those embodied souls who fully reside awake in this ever-present pure state and bliss of Self.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

All is this.

I am this.

You are this!

Om, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

A post-article 2023 note: this particular spiritual article encompasses all that I would want to say on the matter of fully realizing and knowing the truth of reality, identity and experience. Despite all my on-going efforts to upload all my inspired and collected spiritual and philosophical writings and works to this blog this sole article alone confidently and concisely states my own spiritual and philosophical experience and conclusion on reality, identity and experience. There is nothing here I would change.

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Here ends this spiritual communication.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

You are LIGHT

 You are LIGHT.

The LIGHT of Self.






By all that is and can be.







You are this.

All is this.

This is the truth of the Self.

I am that, I-am.

Ever-present, permanent and deathless.


This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Here ends this spiritual communication.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

The 4 Sacred Treasures

The 4 Sacred Spiritual Treasures

My first greatest treasure is, meditation.

My second is, silence.

My third is, solitude.

And my fourth is, fasting.

For me, these are my 4 greatest and sacred treasures,

My dearest and nearest spiritual friends.

Whenever I am with my four friends,

The seeds of understanding and compassion ripen.

My mind becomes serene and clear,

With an ocean-like awareness,

Reflecting and revealing things as they really are.

May these four spiritual friends be companions to all the world.

May they be treasured and loved by all who know them,

And as long as sentient beings exist may they too exist,

Bringing bliss, freedom, beauty, love, wisdom and peace to all the world.

May I live to protect them, to share them, to honour them and to love them.

May I never forget them, or disown them, or neglect them.

Wherever these 4 treasures are, may people adore them.

Wherever these 4 treasures are, may people love and protect them.

May whoever should endeavor to cultivate, embody and live these 4 spiritual treasures,

Be they completely free of all suffering, attachment and ignorance,

And be a tangible and palpable joy to all the world and its ever-changing creations.

May their lives silently and freely direct all beings to perfect peace, love, freedom and bliss.

The ultimate and supreme state of complete esoteric Self-realization and pure wisdom.

Lokha Samathaha Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy!

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

Post-article 2023 note: this particular article was written very early on in my attempts and exploits of examining and investigating the truth of reality, identity and experience. This was over a period when I was heavily involved in Buddhist studies and attending Buddhist retreats. Despite my present spiritual and philosophical tendencies and exploits to be more leaning towards Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) and Bhakit Yoga (devotion) as stated in other uploaded articles, my Buddhist studies and experience has played a large, important and valuable part in reaching the spiritual and philosophical conclusions and revelations that are presented here throughout this esoteric blog. All fingers pointing to the same enduring and ever-present moon, so to speak. All paths leading to the same destination and outcome.

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Here ends this spiritual communication.


Saturday, 11 June 2022

Who am I?

 What is this?

Who am I?

All of this will cease to exist:-

eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind;

seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch, any and all objects of mind;

sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, any and all mental perceptions;

and so too with all sensory realms and mind-consciousness,

therefore, who am I and what is this?

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

What is this?

Who am I?

Additional note: This particular article very much follows the inclinations and philosophy of Advaita Vendanta as prescribed and shared by the great renowned and beloved Hindu sage and jivanmukta Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. It is simply here as a form of motivation to direct self-inquiry.

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Here ends this spiritual communication.


Wednesday, 7 April 2021

The Many Faces of the One

 The Many Faces of the One: article 28 - the unpublished esoteric writings and works of an aging yogi.      

 'The one true, pure and absolute reality, identity and essence of the so-called individualized self is the Deathless Self. All alone is this. I am 'That', 'I-am'. Form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. All is this as the undying, ever-present and eternal 'I-am'. I, alone, am 'I-am'.

                                                                        What is this?

                                                                          Who am I?

                                                             THE IMMACULATE SELF

What I offer and present here for all you inquisitive and aspiring Atman-yogis and truth-seekers on this esoteric and transcendental blog of spiritual self-reflection, self-inquiry and Self-realization is the very heart and essence of my individualized self-less and impersonal self-aware transitory and embodied existence. It is nothing separate from that, that I-am or anything else for that matter. As a temporary and individualized self-less and impersonal self-aware embodied form and construct called 'body', I am no one or person of any special, gifted or unique qualities, intellect, status, mind, authority, power or self-importance, and these things are of no direct personal self-importance to me. They are all as fleeting, empty and transitory as is conceptual and conditioned reality, existence and identity.

As I see and know it, the so-called temporary things, forms, perceptions, constructs, dramas and events of this ever-changing and transitory sensory world of experience and experiencing, no matter how beautiful, satisfying, fulfilling, pleasant and desirable they might be, will all eventually come to pass, cease and end. For this is the ever-present and on-going universal characteristic of impermanence bound to all conditioned, created, produced and conceptual things, events, forms, constructs, realms, identities, dramas and worlds. For me, my only authentic esoteric endeavor and commitment is to fully honor and to remain absolutely true to what I spiritually know, live and embody regardless of all worldly and unworldly appearances, phenomena, events, realms, views, ideologies, beliefs and forms, and the ever-changing on-going challenges, dramas, needs, conditions, desires, urges and demands of this so-called earthly, miraculous, transitory, strange, beautiful, messy, ever-changing and embodied life. Of this I am very clear. Of this I am absolutely certain. I am as 'I-am'. And so too with all things. 'I-am' is all, and all reality, experience and identity are 'I-am'. Plain and simple. This is the indestructible 'light', essence and truth of the true ever-present, immaculate and abiding deathless Self. The one true origin and source of all things.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

For what it is worth, I simply would like to openly and freely offer and share my own impersonal and personal realized and embodied experienced truth and revelations of reality, experience and identity, as I see and know it to be, so it might too help others as it has continually and successfully assisted and helped me navigate the ever-changing highs and lows of an embodied self-aware life and transitory existence - the so-called embodied individualized 'me'. For me, the only true and genuine esoteric yoga is that which fully returns and unites us all back with our authentic, absolute, enduring and immaculate Self - pure 'Spirit'. For me, any other so-called form, use or interpretation of yoga is not true esoteric yoga

What I attempt to present here on this spiritual and philosophical blog is the truest and highest esoteric yoga that fully unites us with the direct self-recognition, self-knowing and knowledge of our true authentic and immaculate Self - pure 'Spirit'. This being the ever-present, unchanging and abiding 'I-am'. It reveals to us all that all reality, experience and identity is 'I-am', and only 'I-am' alone. In truth all reality, experience and identity are one as the ever-present and immaculate 'I-am'. It is the one true enduring Reality of all Reality. The one true and ever-present identity and origin of all creation, phenomena and forms. It endures eternal whilst all things, worlds, dramas, forms and creations come and go. 

The 'I-am' of I am.

Personally, I feel and do as spiritually directed and nothing more. This is where this so-called embodied conceptual and self-aware life has taken me and I am forever blessed and grateful to all those kind and awaken souls and individuals who have selflessly, patiently and lovingly played their part in gently and sometimes harshly guiding and getting me here. It all is as it should be. As we all are aware and come to eventually know, only through the true blessing and grace of God, pure 'Spirit', does the genuine desire for the highest spiritual truth of reality, experience and identity and full embodied esoteric Self-realization and yoga come to us all in the end. This esoteric Self-realization of pure 'Spirit' being the highest realization, knowing and knowledge of reality, experience and identity. This truth being that the Deathless Self alone is. What I reference here as 'I-am' and this 'I-am' being the true eternal 'light' of the Self. It is that which goes by many names and yet is the one enduring identity, essence and source of all.

Presently as I see and know it, I am this 'I-am' and all is this 'I-am', as the undying, ever-present and eternal 'I-am'. At this point in my spiritual communications of this spiritual knowing and knowledge on the nature and truth of reality, experience and identity, I am certain. Of this I am very clear. The Deathless Self alone is. I am as 'I-am'. And so too with all things. All alone is 'I-am'. This is the ever-present 'light' of the Self tied to all things. For me, this is the highest transcendental truth of reality, experience and identity. I am That. You are That. All is That. There is only one reality and all reality is this one enduring Reality. Plain and simple! No exceptions. This is the ever-present and absolute unity of all creation and nothing to this day has so far convinced me otherwise - tat tvam asi.

What is this?

Who am I?

                                          EMPTINESS, 'I-AM' and the DEATHLESS SELF

I put it to you all, that form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. Only 'emptiness', and 'emptiness' is all. All experience and experiencing comes from 'emptiness', has is being in and with 'emptiness'; returning to 'emptiness' and forever remaining in, with and as 'emptiness'. For me, this is the highest individualized and impersonal esoteric self-knowing, knowledge and embodiment of reality, experience and identity. It is the unsurpassable and absolute selfless fully realized state and embodiment of an awakened mind and heart. The Deathless Self alone is and all is this. Plain and simple. I am as 'I-am'. For me, this is the truest and only genuine transcendental yoga. This is the highest yoga that fully frees the mind and heart from the limiting and painful illusions of reality, experience and identity.

I am in you, as you are in me. We are one and the same.

I live in you, as you live in me. We are one and the same, as the ever-present 'I-am'.

For me, the Deathless Self alone is, and it is to this esoteric and unsurpassable truth of reality, experience and identity that I fully relinquish and surrender the wants, urges, demands, preferences, challenges and needs of the ever-changing individualized mind and so-called intellect. I expect nothing of anyone and I always acknowledge and honor that I am always one with all things and all things are one with that, that I-am, despite the ever-changing appearances, events, dramas, forms and conditions of this ever-changing sensory world and its multitude of ever-changing sense objects, phenomena, perceptions, constructs, dramas and forms. I am in essence and by nature the unchanging 'Deathless Self', as with all things, forms, creations and phenomena. In this full and embodied spiritual self-recognition, self-knowing and knowledge of the self-less and impersonal Self, all things, forms, perceptions, constructs, creations and phenomena are realized and known as the one absolute and abiding self-less and impersonal Self. This Self alone is, and this Self alone is the true transcendental nature, source, origin and essence of all conceptual and conditioned things, phenomena, constructs, creations and forms. 'I-am' as 'I-am'- emptiness. Call it 'light' or 'spirit' if you prefer, and yet it too can remain nameless. It is that which need not be named and has no other.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

Fully in this knowledge and knowing of Self all sensory experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' and only 'emptiness' alone. All things have their being and existence in, with and as 'emptiness'. This is the ever-boundless, abiding and supreme esoteric self-less Self-realization and natural state of a fully awakened and embodied soul. They abide fully awake in 'emptiness', with and as 'emptiness'. This 'emptiness' is seen and known to be the one true ever-present essence, source, origin and permanent state of all that is. All is 'emptiness' as the ever-present 'I-am'. You too are this. I am as 'I-am'. This is the truth and essence of true transcendental yoga. The Deathless Self alone is. All is 'I-am'.

For me, conditioned and conceptual life, as we all live, experience and know it, is its own spontaneous self-less and on-going impersonal cosmic dance of becoming and being and this ever-changing transcendental dance of becoming and being has its being in and with me, and I have my embodied and individualized self-aware being in and with it, as we all do. All is verily the Deathless Self alone as the ever-present and knowing, 'I-am'. What I also refer to here as 'emptiness', 'oneness' or 'light'. It is that which goes universally by many names and yet it can also remain nameless. As I state, it is the 'I-am' of I am. It is the one true essence, origin and source of all creation.

                                       I am in you, as you are in me. We are one and the same.

For me, this is the absolute oneness and unity of all life. For me, oneness is our true undying essence, source and permanent state regardless of all appearances, forms and worldly differences. For me, separateness is the real illusion. Oneness is the true absolute, state and essence of reality, experience and identity. The Deathless Self alone is - unborn, ageless, unchanging, pure, undying, free, empty, ever-present, plentiful and eternal. All as it is by its very nature is this formless, inexhaustible and immaculate Self. It is all the ever-present and undying 'I-am' - pure 'Spirit'. I am in you, as you are in me. I live in you, as you live in me. The so-called individualized mind is the only obstacle in this esoteric and highest self-knowing of knowing without knowing, therefore by giving up the so-called mind, the truth of reality, experience and identity will come clear to us all, for we are always this boundless truth and realization of pure 'Spirit'. I live in you, as you live in me. We are one and the same. I am you, as you are me. This is the ultimate oneness, nothingness and unity of all conceptual life. All is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. What this 'emptiness' is, we cannot really say. It simply is, as it is and all is this boundless and inexhaustible 'emptiness'. It is the ever-present, unchanging and abiding 'I-am'. Plain and simple. The inexhaustible and indestructible 'light' of the true Self - 'I-am'.

What is this?

Who am I?

                                                               THE LIGHT WITHIN

For me, this esoteric knowing of the Absolute (be it 'God', 'Krishna', 'Allah', 'Reality', 'Light' or 'Oneness') does not require, need or expect me to become or be anything, for I am already all that I am as the ever-present 'I-am' and will always remain so; and so too with all creation and its ever-changing myriad, complexity and diversity of forms, constructs, dramas and phenomena. Despite all worldly and unworldly appearances, realms, dramas, constructs and forms, we are all in some way looking and searching for a home that we have never truly left. In this esoteric and unsurpassable knowing of knowing without knowing, the Deathless Self alone is, and both the so-called individualized mind and body are unified in this knowing of knowing without knowing, and so too with the so-called intellect. In this esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing all is as it is, and nothing more. Plain and simple. No drama. No fuss. No BIG deal. No self-importance. No color. No race. No gender. No history. No story. No form. No he did this to me, or she did that to me. No they did this to me or they did that to me. No life did this to me or life did that to me. No blame. No past. No future and no real remaining present. No real agenda. No above or below. No inside or outside. No birth or death. No bondage or liberation. Simply - 'I-am'. Pristine and immaculate - untouched, unchanged, unhindered, unaltered, unlimited and always free of all things, suffering, dramas, phenomena, creation and forms.

For the self-less and impersonal individualized self-aware embodied one who is genuinely fully awake from the temporary sleep of earthly ignorance, the atman-yogi, all at its true essence and source is the Deathless Self alone existing as everything, everyone and everywhere at all times. All is the Deathless Self, as it is. You and all are the Deathless Self that is everything, everyone and everywhere at all times. I am you, as you are me. All sensory or non-sensory experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' simply playing out and dancing. The whole universe and its myriad, diversity and complexity of things, dramas, creations and forms is only 'emptiness' playing itself out and dancing. Form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. Only 'emptiness'. All is boundless and transcendental 'emptiness' as the ever-present, impersonal and immaculate 'I-am'. I alone am 'I-am'. This 'I-am' being the Deathless Self. 'I-AM' is our true immaculate and enduring nature, identity and permanent state. This is the true beauty and mystery of life and once seen it is seen everywhere and in everything and everyone regardless of appearances.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

For the true and fully realized atman-yogi this knowing of knowing without knowing, is the highest Self-realization of esoteric knowledge into the true nature and essence of reality, experience and identity - realizing and knowing oneself as the undying All. For me, this is the highest awakened state of a genuine and fully liberated and embodied soul; one who has attained to the unsurpassable knowledge and self-knowing of the Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit', which is the true essence, state and source of all that is, all that has ever been and all that will ever be. Having genuinely fully realized all reality, experience and identity as Oneness; as being Divinity itself, be it unborn, ageless, formless, eternal and deathless, the atman-yogi is no longer identified with or attached to the temporary embodied physical body or the individualized mind and intellect. The genuine atman-yogi is fully and genuinely awake and free from the mental sleep of worldly ignorance and only identified with all reality in its myriad, complexity and diversity of forms as being pure 'Spirit', which in essence is all things and all experiencing of experience and phenomena. 'I-am' is fully realized, embodied and known. It is the Self as the Self, with the Self and remaining always as the Self and having always been the Self.

Conditioned and conceptual life, as we live, play and know it, still goes on. Humanity still continues, and yet all is seen and known to have its being in, with and as the Absolute. I am in you, as you are in me. I am you, as you are me. We are one and the same despite the ever-changing and on-going illusionary play and dance of appearances, projections, constructs, ideas, dramas, differences and forms. All is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is all. Only 'emptiness'. What this 'emptiness' is we cannot really say. It simply is as 'I-am'. It is the one eternal and ever-present substance, state and essence of all things - unborn, causeless, formless, indestructible, eternal, immaculate, plentiful and deathless. It is the 'I-am' of I am. Once realized and known with all the intimacy and directness of authentic knowing the ever-present light and beauty of the Self is recognized and seen to be everywhere and in everything and everyone at all times. There is nothing that can hindered it, limit it or remove it. It shines eternal.

       'It is all 'emptiness' endlessly playing out and dancing. All is 'that. You are 'That'. I am 'That'.'

What is this?

Who am I?


What I speak of and communicate here to all potential and aspiring atman-yogis and truth-seekers cannot be destroyed, threatened, improved or impacted on by the demands, wants, needs, opinions, differences, urges and expectations of others and the ever-changing sensory world of things, forms, constructs, phenomena, creations and dramas. It does not rely on anything outside itself and yet all things have their being in and with it and as it. Reality as the self-less and impersonal Self is filled with the Self, and forever remaining as the Self. It is infinitely self-sufficient and self-reliantand the ever-changing myriad and multiplicity of realms, worlds, forms, dramas, events and phenomena do not lessen it, alter it or add anything to it. It can't be threatened, imprisoned, changed or destroyed. Not by living or death. It is always whole, perfected, eternal, untainted and complete as it is, and this is the unbreakable foundation and platform of this esoteric knowing; the knowing of knowing without knowing and the sole transcendental message and perennial truth of the Atman-Yoga presented here. All is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. Simply this 'emptiness' as the ever-present and enduring 'I-am'.

For the genuine fully realized and awakened atman-yogi this is the very heart, essence and truth of all things, forms, phenomena, dramas, creations and experiences. It is the absolute and indestructible unification of mind, body and spirit, and all things with the immaculate and self-less Self, universally and spiritually known as 'oneness' - the Deathless Self alone being all that is. No dogma. No doctrine. No teaching. No spiritual or religious authority, superiority or ownership. Simply truth as it is in the stillness, purity and silence of esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing. This knowing without knowing being the complete and absolute unity, 'emptiness' and oneness of all life and all things. Nothing left to do, be or say. Nothing to gain or lose. Simply 'oneness'. As it is. Reality, experience and identity as it freely is. Divinity as it is. This is the highest esoteric Self-realization and knowing of an atman-yogione who is truly awake from the worldly sleep of ignorance. This is the universal esoteric realization and knowing of all the mystics, truth-seekers and immortals, both past and present. The Deathless Self alone is. One reality. One identity. One Absolute - 'I-am'.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

For the individualized mind that is fully awake from the temporary illusion and sleep of ignorance, the Deathless Self alone is - unborn, untouched, ageless, unmoving, undying, boundless, plentiful, pristine and eternal. Essentially, all is this. Reality and identity are this. For the awakened one who knows themselves as the Deathless Self alone, all reality is this immaculate Self. There is nothing other than this Self. This Self alone is. All reality is the Self filled with the Self, forever remaining with and as the Self. All alone is this. This is the highest transcendental state and knowing of Atman-Yoga. The highest realization and knowing of an authentic atman-yogi and  truth-seeker. All that is done to the body and the mind has no real impact on our true nature, state, identity and essence. These worldly things, creations and dramas of experiencing belong to the ever-changing world of the senses and their sense objects and the mind/body experience. Essentially we are always free of what the world really is, regardless of conditioned and conceptual appearances, forms, phenomena, events, dramas, creations and situations. It is only the temporary ignorance and delusion of what reality, experience and identity really are that causes suffering, bondage and the end of suffering.

In the complete esoteric knowing of reality, experience and identity we can all fully acknowledge and accept life for what it truly is and embody an abiding peace and embodied free state that truly transcends it and yet fully embraces it too. This is simply done by us waking up the individualized mind to essentially what we truly are, and what we have always been. It is the transcendental realization and knowing of reality, experience and identity as the immaculate Self, filled with the Self, and always remaining as, of and with the Self. All experience and experiencing is only the ever-changing self-less and impersonal playing out and dance of 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form and form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. This is why we state in this esoteric knowing of reality, experience and identity that the Deathless Self alone is. All reality is this as the ever-present 'I-am'. This is the true and unsurpassable transcendental yoga of reality, experience and identity - Atman-Yoga. The true inexhaustible light and truth of the Self. The 'I-am' of I am.


A personal embodied loving dedication: May you all, in whatever way fulfills you, make Atman-Yoga your own, and may you know directly and intimately the absolute unity, nature, source, 'emptiness' and abiding essence of all conditioned and conceptual life and creation. May your individualized and embodied self-aware life be generously and abundantly graced and blessed with the esoteric knowing and unshakable transcendental peace, beauty, purity, bliss, freedom and plenitude of the immaculate Self, pure 'Spirit'. May pure 'Spirit's unconditional transcendental love, purity, innocence, beauty and divine presence grace and bless you with the one unity, essence and plenitude of all life and creation, and may your individualized and embodied self-aware life knowingly, actively and beautifully continuously flow and move from this boundless, abundant, still and silent place; selflessly and freely being in the limitless transcendental self-knowing presence and divine grace of God, pure 'Spirit', at all times, in all situations and in all places.

As I see, live and know it, all is always one with this formless, immaculate, selfless and boundless place of transcendental plenitude, stillness, silence, freedom, purity, well-being, innocence, peace, unity, love, bliss and beauty, as the Deathless Self alone is. All of life and creation in whatever form or manner it appears has its being with, from, as, of and in the Deathless Self alone, pure 'Spirit'. For me, this is the absolute unity and indestructible transcendental essence, source, state, origin and nature of all life and the ever-changing sensory world of things, forms, conditions, events, dramas, creations and phenomena. I am that 'I-am'. All is this 'I-am'.

The Deathless Self alone is as the ever-present and abiding 'I-am'.

For me, be it Divinity, God, Light, Oneness, Truth, Allah or simply Reality, this is our true undying, indestructible untouched, deathless and eternal state, source, identity, origin and essence. Presently, of this I am very clear. Of this, I am fully certain. This unsurpassable universal and transcendental Truth is the indestructible, limitless and boundless place of 'love me land'. For the aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker this is the highest state and self-knowing of spiritual Self-realization and self-knowledge, that the individualized mind realizes all reality, experience and experiencing as the Deathless Self aloneFor the mind that fully realizes its true identity with the Deathless Self , all reality is this ever-present and boundless Self, as it has always been and will always be. Simply this as 'I-am'. All experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' continuously playing out and dancing. This is the true inexhaustible purity, beauty, plenitude, unity, peace, bliss and freedom of esoteric knowing. Absolutely nothing can threaten it, harm it, destroy it, lessen it, improve it or end it. Despite the appearance and disappearance of all things and phenomena it forever remains ever-present as it is - unchanged, untouched, unmoved, unthreatened and deathless. Only 'emptiness'. All is this as the eternal and ever-present 'I-am'. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-AM', peace, peace, peace.


The ever-changing conditioned and conceptual things, creations and forms in this so-called world of phenomena and constructs that appear and seem to divide and threaten us are only ever the temporary illusions and ever-changing dramas, preferences and projections of the individualized mind. The individualized mind is not our true abiding home. May you all in this esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing find transcendental peace, acceptance, plenitude, beauty, bliss and love in all things, being they favorable or unfavorable, pleasant or unpleasant, testing or rewarding. May you all consciously and knowingly fully abide in and as your true immaculate home, and for those who willingly and whole-heartedly venture, examine and contemplate the pages and articles of this esoteric blog my sincere, deepest and heartfelt gratitude, respect and love to you all. 

As I have already stated, I only would like to openly share my own personalized and individualized self-aware realized and conceptualized truth of reality, experience and identity as I know it so that it might too potentially help others as it has continually helped and guided me. I'd like to think, like me, you too will realize and know directly and intimately the true and full miraculousness of a full embodied life and fully accomplish and establish an embodied and palpable free state of peace, beauty, simplicity, bliss, acceptance and love in that knowing of reality as it is despite the strangeness and fleetingness of it all. I'll meet and see you all in 'love me land'. Sat-Chit-Ananda.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

For me, we are always one, you and I. Separateness is the real illusion. All one. All 'light'. All 'Spirit'. All loved. All whole and free as the ever-present eternal 'I-am'. I live in you, as you live in me. I am you, as you are me. We are one and the same. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, Svaha. Gone, gone, gone beyond, completely gone to the other shore. Live life fully embodied by the light and beauty of the true Self - 'I-am'.

                                           "Before enlightenment, drink tea and chop wood.

After enlightenment, drink tea and chop wood."


I am forever at the feet and grace of the Divine - the ultimate truth of reality, experience and identity. May all sentient beings everywhere fully realize and know directly and embody this Great Awakening of pure 'Spirit'; that the Deathless Self alone is. This is the life. This is what it is, and it does not have to be anything else but this. At peace with it all. In love with it all. At one with it all. May you, who willingly and wholeheartedly venture into the inviting void of the unknown and unseen but seen, find your true abiding self-less and boundless Self in these pages and be at peace too with all life, despite its challenges, disappointments, changes, strangeness and imperfections. May all individualized minds be free of suffering and the end of suffering; free of bondage and liberation, and embody the highest, perfect and supreme spiritual realization and self-knowing of an atman-yogiOM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-AM', peace, peace, peace. I'll meet you all in 'love me land. Sat-Chit-Ananda.

                                                   FOR EVERYONE'S PEACE OF MIND

"I am ever present to those who have realized me in every creature. Seeing all life as my manifestation, they never separate from me. They worship me in the hearts of all, and all their actions proceed from me. Wherever they may live, they abide in me." Bhagavad-Gita (6:30-31). 

"When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were their own, they have attained the highest state of spiritual union." Bhagavad-Gita (6:32).

"They alone see truly who see the Lord the same in every creature, who see the deathless in the hearts of all that die. Seeing the Lord everywhere, they do not harm themselves or others. Thus they attain the supreme goal." Bhagavad-Gita (13:27-28)


"Being your true self-less and impersonal Self does not require you to do, say or be anything. The world can be as it is. Life can be as it is. All the time we are caught up in the idea and concept of being a so-called person or individual there is always something to do, say and be, even if it brings great benefit and justice to the world. When genuinely and fully enlightened into the undying essence, source and nature of reality, experience and identity all can be as it is, for all is with God, in God, of God, from God and as God. Plain and simple. One abiding and ever-present reality and identity as 'I-am'. Be it the saint or the sinner; the lover or the hater; the foolish or the wise, the fortunate or unfortunate. What we abide in, as and with is unmoving, untouched, inexhaustible, unthreatened, empty but full, full but empty, silent, formless, boundless, pure and free of all things and yet it too is one with all things and all things are one with it. This is the highest esoteric knowing and wisdom of a fully enlightened mind and spiritually embodied self-aware existence. This is the fully embodied and awakened mind and heart of a genuine atman-yogiThis is a fully realized and perfected embodied life that is attainable and available to us all regardless of circumstances, status, wealth, identity, persona and intellect. 

In this Great Awakening of esoteric Self-realization all worldly differences are finally extinguished and only the deathless and boundless unity, light, beauty and oneness of all life is forever embodied as our true undying essence, source, state, identity, origin and nature. The one who is fully awake from the temporary worldly sleep of ignorance is forever abiding and acting in the esoteric knowing, knowledge, presence and state of God (God-consciousness). They are one with the whole universe and the whole universe is one with them. For they truly know that it is all the selfless and impersonal Self, filled with the Self, by the Self, as the Self and forever remaining as, of and with the Self. For me, this is the highest fully embodied esoteric realization and knowing of a genuine perfected atman-yogi. For me, there is no higher spiritual knowing and permanent state than this. It is all 'emptiness' spontaneously playing out and dancing. Only 'emptiness'. Live and love life fully and freely by the light of the true Self."

                                                'I'll meet and see you all in 'love me land'.

"All with God, in God, of God, from God and as God. The Deathless Self alone is as the eternal and indestructible 'I-am'. All things are of God, and have their being in and with God. God is the one true undying source and essence of all that is, and yet the existence or non-existence of things and phenomena does not alter, change, threaten, improve, lessen or affect what God (Reality and Identity) truly is. This is the transcendental 'oneness' and unity that I know and speak of. This is the 'oneness' that is present in all things and all things are present in and with this 'oneness'. The individualized mind is the trickster and the deceiver. With the mind there is always something to disagree on and make enemies with. With the mind there is always something to do, to gain, to get rid of; somewhere to get to or retreat from. With God and in God there is only the undying unity, plenitude, beauty, bliss and oneness of all things, creation and life. This is what it truly is to be in love and free of worldly preferences, forms, constructs, consequences and conditions.

May all sentient beings know this too and radiate it and see it reflected and celebrated in all things regardless of their appearance, form, manner, status, identity, persona and behavior. This is the supreme and indestructible abiding peace, knowledge, plenitude, beauty, bliss and perfection that transcends all things. It remains forever untouched, unaffected, unthreatened and unaltered by all that is, and all that will ever be. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. Nothing left to do, say or be. Simply 'I-am'. The Deathless Self alone is - unborn, causeless, ageless, untouched, timeless and deathless. Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, Svaha.Gone, gone, gone beyond, completely gone to the other shore. Fully realized and embodied in the light of the Self - I am that 'I-am'.

'For the one who fully identifies and knows the self as the Deathless Self, all is seen to be the Deathless Self. For there is nothing but the Deathless Self. The Deathless Self alone is. All is pure 'Spirit. What I call 'emptiness'. The ever-present light and beauty of the immaculate Self.' It is the 'I-am' of I am.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

A personal note: Should you, the reader, not feel inspired or committed to look and venture beyond the viewing and reading of this initial opening page can I gently and unconditionally suggest that you at least consider the following 2 spiritual publications as valuable and insightful sources of spiritual Self-inquiry into the true nature, source, state and essence of reality, experience and identity; 'Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya' - Swami Ashokananda and 'In the Light of the Self: Adi Shankara and the Yoga of Non-dualism' - Alistair Shearer. These 2 particular esoteric embodied publications only came into my presence and knowing some 4 or 5 years past, and yet I was deeply moved and reassured by the clarity and wisdom presented to us all in them. I am truly blessed and grateful to have lived an individualized and embodied self-aware life that has been graced and touched by them. To Dattatreya, Adi Shankara, Swami Ashokananda and Alistair Shearer my deepest gratitude, respect and love.

  May we all find love, clarity and peace in the unity of all life in the knowing and grace of the Divine.

"All the world is itself Divinity. Imperfection is the real illusion. This is what it is to be lost to love, and the unity of all life. This is absolute Oneness. This is the perfected and perfect realization and knowing of an atman-yogi; one who is fully awake to the Divinity of all that is."

        This is the essential and core message of Atman-Yoga. The Deathless Self alone is, as 'I-am'.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I-am. Life is. 'I-am' is one with all life and all life is one with 'I-am'. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'. All is this. No exceptions.

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.


This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Additional post-article 2023 note: It is strange to look at these articles now and observed the obvious repetition and unstructured nature of these spiritual writings and works. I can only apologize for the way they are presented. I never approached any of this as an experienced writer or with any intention to be a writer. Much of what is presented here it simply added to this blog as it was written and recorded in my notebooks where I had recorded what came to me with periods of personal self-inquiry, meditation and contemplation. I am still confident that the core message is here despite my on-going ramblings. Each article gives a definite and palpable flavor and taste of what is being continuously pointed to.

A World in Crisis

Post Manuscript World Contemplation Intro: 11/24  - " You think you are the wave but you are the ocean. This is the truth I point to. ...