What is this?
Who am I?
The Many Faces of the One: article 1 - the unpublished esoteric writings & works of an ageing yogi.
"I am the one unchanging and unmoving Deathless Self or should I say, undying pure Spirit, with the absolute transcendental knowing and knowledge of the on-going appearance and disappearance of space, time and form. Despite the on-going appearance, change and disappearance of all worldly and unworldly phenomena, dramas, creations and forms, I forever remain as 'I-am' - unchanged, unmoved, at peace, whole, fulfilled, plentiful, blissful, untouched, immaculate, unlimited and free of all things. Ultimately I am always this - the undying, ever-present and eternal pure 'Spirit' - as 'I-AM' - untouched, unaltered, unchanged, untainted and unmoved by all that is, and all that will ever be. All is this ever-present, enduring and eternal 'I-am'. I am this! Reality and Truth.
I am the 'I-am' of I am. All is this 'I-am'. I am That. Tat Tvam Asi.
This ever-present and enduring '
is the one true origin, reality
, identity and undying essence, state and source of all things, dramas, creations, forms and phenomena. All things, dramas, creations, forms and phenomena, be they worldly or unworldly, visible or invisible, material or immaterial, exist and have their being, activity and existence only because of the grace and presence of '
alone and yet this ever-present, eternal and enduring
is forever unchanged, unmoved, untouched, untainted and free of all things, forms, creations, dramas, phenomena and worlds.
You too are this. Nothing but this, I-am.
The on-going and inexhaustible appearance, existence and disappearance of all things, dramas, creations, forms and phenomena does not affect, lessen, change, threaten, touch, improve, taint, damage, limit or alter that, that is 'I-am'. 'I-am' is the one true unchanging essence, origin and identity of all sensory phenomena, worlds, realms, conditions, dramas, events, creations, forms and things. I am eternally 'That', as 'I-am'. All is this, 'That'. I alone am 'I-am'. I am the eternal, immaculate and ever-present Deathless Self. The unborn, undying, causeless, ever-present and pure eternal 'Spirit'. All alone is this pure undying essence and truth of reality, experience and identity. That, alone is. I am this! Reality and Truth. Sat-Chit-Ananda.
OM shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am' peace, peace, peace. All creation and its myriad of creations and forms are this one enduring, ever-present, unborn, undying, timeless and boundless Reality and Identity.
The 'I-am' of I am. Oneness.
The Deathless Self alone is. For me, this is the highest esoteric and philosophical Self-realization, Self-knowing and truth of reality, experience and identity. It is the ultimate, unsurpassable, pure and embodied Self-realization, Self-knowing and knowledge of a genuine, awake and fully realized atman-yogi and truth-seeker. The atman-yogi being that person which seeks and fully realizes and knows the ultimate Truth of reality, experience and identity. 'I-AM that I am'. All is this one unborn and undying Reality and Identity as the ever-present, indestructible, timeless and enduring 'I-am'. This is Reality and Identity truly as it is. The atman-yogi being that embodied conscious individual and construct who has fully recognized and seen their own true identity with and as Reality itself."
I am That. All is That. That, alone is.
To fully embody and live awake in the ultimate glory and grace of God (the Truth of reality, experience and identity) is to be both fearless and free in life, living, ageing and death. For me, this is the highest spiritual and earthly pursuit and commitment of a genuine atman-yogi and truth-seeker. All reality is 'I-am'. 'I-am' is the one true enduring and ever-present Reality as it is. This one Reality and Identity is the true essence, identity and origin of all things, dramas, phenomena, experiences, forms, realms and creations. What I call the Deathless Self. The atman-yogi is the one who knows and fully embodies this enduring Truth of reality, experience and identity, and identifies all with this ultimate Truth, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, separateness, falsehood, judgement and intolerance. All is nothing but this 'I-am'. I am That. You are That. All is nothing but That. That, alone is. Tvam tad asi. Reality and Truth. Sat-Chit-Ananda.
'I-am. Life is.' This we cannot deny.
If we say, "I am not", then who is it that denies its own existence?
All spiritual and worldly atman-yogis and truth-seekers of the one supreme Absolute, be it God, Atman, Oneness, Reality as it is, Allah, Tao, Buddha-nature or pure 'Spirit' (the highest and unsurpassable Truth, Identity and Reality) should always aim to fully realize, embodied and know, directly and intimately, the unmade, unmoving, untouched, ever-present and unchanging Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit' and nothing else, but this. I say it now and always with all confidence and certainty that only this unsurpassable spiritual and philosophical Self-realization and true transcendental 'knowing' and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' can completely and successfully free us from the material ignorance, bondage and suffering of the illusory and temporary burden and mental entrapment that can appear to be reality, experience and identity as we live, love, play, act and know them. Only this highest and unsurpassable spiritual and supreme Self-realization and esoteric self-awakening of pure 'Spirit', God, can permanently and successfully free us, or should I say, the so-called individualized conceptual mind, of the temporary illusions, limitations and trappings of birth, old age, sickness, decay, pain, sorrow, loss, grief, lack, fear, bondage, hatred, ignorance, misery and death, and the on-going limiting clutches, conditions and burdens of our sometimes and somewhat flawed, restless and troubled on-going embodied miraculous humanity.
This I can fully and purposely state and affirm with all certainty.
Only by authentically and permanently returning to the true spiritual and transcendental essence, knowing and knowledge of the one undying and boundless source, identity and origin of all worldly things, forms, dramas, creations, experiences, forms and phenomena, pure 'Spirit' (Godhead), do we find and realize permanent and final release and eternal peace, fulfilment, freedom, bliss and immorality from the failings, frustrations, miseries and disappointments of this dual, miraculous and ever-changing conceptual and conditioned illusory sensory world of things, forms, dramas, appearances, constructs, creations, projections, experiences and phenomena. This too includes the mind/body experience and all sensory experience, experiencing and sense objects as we live, love, play, act, share, create and know them. The undying 'I-am' alone is and all alone is this abiding essence - pure 'Spirit'. Of this I am certain. Of this, I am absolutely clear, aware and mindful. The Deathless Self alone is. All reality is 'I-am'. One eternal and undying essence, identity and source. One limitless and untouched enduring Reality, Truth and identity as 'I-AM'- timeless, ageless, deathless, boundless, perfect, eternal, pure and immaculate.
All is this 'I-am' of I am. We are all one and the same. That. Tvam tad asi.
What I attempt and intend to directly communicate, explain and speak of here is total unconditioned and indestructible transcendental peace, intelligence, freedom, love, beauty, well-being, fulfilment, acceptance, bliss, plenitude, gratitude, unity, longevity, tolerance and immortality. It is this un-surpassable and highest esoteric and philosophical Self-realization, Self-knowing and knowledge on the true nature, truth and essence of reality, experience and identity that fully states that, 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am' - pure 'Spirit'. All reality, experience and identity as we live, act, play, embodied, create and know it is the unchanging, formless and unmoving Deathless Self as 'I-am', and all alone is this. The Deathless Self alone is. For the true and fully realized embodied atman-yogi and truth-seeker this is the highest transcendental state and Self-realization of esoteric Self-knowing and knowledge. For me, it is the highest mystical and transcendental embodied experience of reality, Truth, experience and identity (God). It is the pure ever-present, boundless and enduring light of 'Spirit' that freely and fully abides, exists and shines within us all and gives form, structure, existence and power to us all. Its ever-present existence and nature is Absolute.
I am That, 'I-am', as is all reality, forms, dramas, phenomena, realms and creations. All reality and creation is 'I-am'. Reality as it is. We are all one and the same. The self and the universe are one and the same. The self of the individual is totally identical to the Self of the Universe. Absolute! I am That. You are That. All is nothing but That. That, alone is. Tvam tad asi. Sat-Chit-Ananda.
What is this?
Who am I?
"Here we all are in this seemingly limited appearance, experience and experiencing of our somewhat flawed and temporary conditioned miraculous humanity; living, experiencing, knowing and having a life that can end at any given moment in time, form and space, and all that we know, like and love can end too as if having never existed. This is both the blessing and curse of having self-awareness and individuality, and yet we are truly more than this temporary appearance of things, forms, dramas and creations.
It is all the Dreamer's dream; the Master Magician's illusion. This is the ceaseless essence and truth of 'emptiness'; that all conceptual and conditioned life is precious, that all conceptual and conditioned life is sacred, and all conceptual and conditioned life is impermanent, empty, unreal, ever-changing and transient. Only the undying pure 'Spirit', the 'Deathless Self', the one true unborn, timeless and boundless essence, origin and source of all things and existence, is eternal, real and free of birth, old age, sickness, decay, pain, sorrow, loss, grief, misery, hatred and death. All we experience and know, as knowing, is the undying and ceaseless pure 'Spirit' as 'I-am' and all alone is this eternal and boundless 'I-am'. Of this, I am certain. Of this, I am absolutely clear and always aware and mindful. The Deathless Self alone is as 'I-am'. OM shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-AM' peace, peace, peace. All is this. Reality as it is. I am this. You are this."
'I-am. Life is.'
The Deathless Self alone is. All is this. Only God is Real as the ever-present 'I-am'. This is the transcendental freedom, truth and bliss of Self-knowledge and knowing. The highest spiritual pursuit and commitment of an atman-yogi and truth-seeker and the highest philosophical knowledge and knowing of the Deathless Yogi, one who is fully identified with the Truth of reality, experience and identity, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, ignorance, separateness, judgement and intolerance. Reality as it is. Absolute!
For the genuine aspiring and fully committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker, spiritual awakening and esoteric Self-realization is what is absolutely essential here and this spiritual full embodied awakening and esoteric Self-realization and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' is the complete unburdening and permanent release of the material ignorance and bondage of what reality, identity and existence truly are; and it is the absolute freedom, unburdening and release from all its ever-changing appearances, conditions, dramas, creations, phenomena and forms which appear to entangle, limit, burden, fool, confuse and entrap us. It is the permanent removal and end of material ignorance and it is the spiritual embodied awakening, knowing and knowledge of our true transcendental formless identity, essence and nature as the unchanging, unmoving and unmade Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit'. And therefore the end of our false and limiting conditioned identity of self-hood, 'I'-ness and the worldly persona, as well as the earthly attachment with the mind\body experience and the ever-changing conditioned and conceptual transitory world of sensory things, form, space, creations, constructs, dramas and phenomena. What some embodied souls and yogis fully realize, know and teach as God-consciousness, although I prefer, pure 'Spirit' or Pure Being - 'I-am'. It is true egoless, selfless and impersonal spiritual transcendence - Atman-Yoga. The truth and essence of Reality.
I am That. You are That. All is nothing but That. That, alone is.
For the genuine fully realized atman-yogi, the Deathless Yogi, it is the transcendental and unsurpassable Truth that all reality, experience and identity are one unbroken Reality and identity and separateness and selfhood are the real illusions. The Deathless Self alone is as 'I-am'. 'No-thingness' is the fullness of all life, and this 'no-thingness' is the 'unborn, unchanging, desire-less, timeless, birthless and deathless Absolute - pure 'Spirit'. It is the 'I-am' of I am and all is this 'I-am'. One unborn and deathless enduring Reality and Identity, as it is. Tvam tad asi.
We are all Eternity seeing, recognizing, realizing and knowing Eternity.
Atman-Yoga clearly states and affirms that, 'Only God is Real' as the eternal and ever-present 'I-am'. The Deathless Self alone is and all alone is this, regardless of all worldly appearances, beliefs, constructs, dramas, views, creations and differences. Plain and simple. For me, this is the highest mystical and philosophical realization, Self-knowing and knowledge of a truly perfected atman-yogi and spiritual truth-seeker. This being the Deathless Yogi who's true identity and nature is one with the Deathless Self. Form as 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' as form. One boundless, timeless, desire-less, immaculate and eternal Reality, Truth and identity. The ever-present and enduring eternal light and truth of Self. It reveals to us all that the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the universe.
I am the 'I-am' of I am. All is this 'I-am'.
For the aspiring and fully committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker, authentic and complete Atman-Yoga is the spiritual and transcendental awakening and ownership of our true spiritual, selfless and impersonal divine identity with the Absolute as 'I-am' which is always at peace, fulfilled, untouched, perfect, unchanging and free from the false, limited and conditioned worldly and individualized identity and persona. It is the true and complete end of material and psychological ignorance to our true infinite and undying nature, identity and transcendental essence, pure 'Spirit'. It is the end of the harmful attachment and self-imposed limited worldly identification with all that is unreal, impermanent, impersonal, ever-changing, imperfect, limiting, false, harmful, damaging and illusory.
For the fully awakened and realized atman-yogi and truth-seeker, the Deathless Yogi, authentic and complete Atman-Yoga informs us all and reveals that all experience and experiencing is illusory, empty, unreal, false and transient, and only the unborn and undying pure 'Spirit' as 'I-am' (Godhead) is real, perfect, permanent, fulfilled, plentiful, whole, free, unchanging and eternal. Only this true spiritual and universal Truth and knowledge can we truly rely on; for everything else that we attach self-importance and fulfilment to will only give us temporary relief from suffering and the end of suffering. For the authentic atman-yogi and truth-seeker, the simple esoteric message of Atman-Yoga is very clear, "all alone is the Deathless Self as the ever-present and enduring 'I-am', infinitely and permanently free of birth, old age, sickness, decay, pain, sorrow, loss, grief, lack, fear, hatred, separateness, bondage, misery and death. 'The 'Deathless Self' alone is. No higher Reality or Truth exists, but this. Of this I am certain. Of this, I am very clear and always mindful. All at its true essence is 'emptiness'. It transcends good and bad, right and wrong, pure and impure, birth and death, this and that. It is Truth, identity and reality as it essentially is. It is with this Truth that the Deathless Yogi identifies and fully embodies at all times and in all places, regardless of appearances.
Ultimately, 'I-am' alone as 'I-am' and all has its origin, identity and nature in this 'I-am'. 'I-am' is the one true divine and immaculate source, state, origin, identity and essence of all that is and all that will ever be. For it, alone is. 'Only God is Real' as the immaculate 'I-am'. The Deathless Self alone is. This is the one true undying identity, origin and essence of all that is and will ever be. This I wholeheartedly communicate and present to you all as the essential and unsurpassable sole message and esoteric truth of Atman-Yoga. The highest spiritual and philosophical Self-realization, Self-knowing and knowledge of our true undying, boundless, free, timeless and unified identity. It reminds us all that the Self of the individual is identical to the Self of the Universe. All is this.
All alone is the Deathless Self. "All the world and its ever-changing myriad of endless things and creations are itself Divinity. Imperfection is the real illusion. This is what it is to be fully lost to love, and the unity of all life. This is absolute Oneness. This is the ultimate and unsurpassable full Self-realization, knowing and knowledge of an atman-yogi. One who is fully awake and identified with the truth of Self." The 'I-am' of I am - the Deathless Self. The unity and totality of That.
"One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not upon leaving the body take birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna."
- Bhagavad Gita
What is this?
Who am I?
I feel it is important to make it very clear and to clarify at this early point in these unpublished esoteric contemplative and meditative writings and works on the nature, source, identity and essence of the undying and unborn reality and identity of pure 'Spirit' (Godhead), that the very worldly and spiritual endeavor to be free of the seemingly worldly burden and entrapment that can appear to be life, is itself an illusionary, selfless and impersonal task, although we still endeavor to do it and play it out. It is all a by-product and impersonal playing out of the mind/body experience and not a true characteristic and need of pure 'Spirit'. Pure 'Spirit', as it is, is always infinitely and permanently free, complete, perfect, at peace, fulfilled, unborn, deathless, plentiful, blissful, unchanging and whole. For the aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker, what is done in the worldly act and pursuit of esoteric Self-realization has not changed, limited, altered, touched, threatened, harmed, lessened or affected what pure 'Spirit' essentially is and has always been. Pure 'Spirit', despite all appearances, creations and forms, forever remains as it is - unchanged, eternal, free, perfect, at peace, fulfilled, untouched, unthreatened, plentiful, blissful and unmoving. As an aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker we simply come to fully realize and know our true boundless, timeless, desire-less and ultimate identity with all that is and with the Divine; existing freely as everything and everywhere at all times and in all places. For the fully realized atman-yogi and truth-seeker this is the highest and embodied transcendental state of esoteric and philosophical knowing and knowledge. Form as 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' as form. All reality, experience and identity are one enduring Reality. No exceptions.
The mistaken worldly identity and misunderstanding of what reality and experience really is, and who and what we really are in relationship to the mind/body experience and the phenomenal world, is what causes and proliferates this misinformed perception and seemingly limited, personal, ego-centred, harmful and troubled experience of reality and ourselves. We, who are mistakenly identified with the individualized mind, have simply forgotten that all experience and experiencing is essentially pure 'Spirit' as 'I-am'. It is all the unchanging and immaculate 'Deathless Self' expressed and known as an illusory, temporary, limited and ever-changing material, conditioned, conceptual, created, worldly and physical embodied reality.
Due to the worldly misunderstanding and belief of reality and the unhappiness that we experience and feel in relationship to the mind/body experience we still endeavor as a temporary and limited individualized form and physical expression of pure 'Spirit' to seek and acquire esoteric Self-realization and Spiritual-awakening and the full release from the temporary burdens, hardships, needs, dramas, illusions and disappointments of conventional and conditioned life. This simply is another on-going interconnected and impersonal part of the transitory and ever-changing dance that is life itself, no matter how confused or well informed we are about it. It simply is what it is. Bondage and separateness are the real illusions. Pure 'Spirit' is always free, whole, fulfilled, perfect, plentiful, ever-present, complete, immaculate, blissful, unchanging and at peace. All alone is the 'Deathless Self' and this translates as 'Only God is Real' as the ever-present and abiding -'I-am'.
I am the 'I-am' of I am. No becoming or being. Only That.
I fully state here and now, in truth and with all certainty, we, pure 'Spirit', are never really entrapped, limited harmed or burdened by what the world is or is not, even if experience and circumstances appear to convince us and tell us otherwise. Bondage itself is an illusion; as is separateness. It is a mind-made conceptual idea, belief, view and thought of reality, experience and identity, as is the conceptual world we inhabit as a temporary physical, individualized and conditioned self-aware embodied form for a brief and limited time. Unfortunately due to material ignorance and an error in our understanding of worldly experience and our individualized identity and attachment with the mind/body experience we are all conditioned to think, interpret and know the phenomenal and material world in this misinformed and mostly troubled, harmful and needy self-centred and ego-centred way. Separateness and individuality.
We in our seemingly individualized humanity are strongly identified with and attached to the ideas, concepts and thoughts of individuality, I-am-the-body and separateness. The individualized mind is wrongly identified and confused as being the ever-changing mind/body experience. Therefore due to worldly ignorance we are all temporarily burdened and imprisoned by the limited and false identity with the mind/body experience as who and what we are and with the ever-changing demands, conditions, dramas, opinions and needs of the conceptual, conditioned and material world. This is not to say anything is wrong or bad with the material, phenomenal and conceptual world. It is what it is. It is simply that our experience of it is clouded, limited, harmed and hindered by the material ignorance of our true undying selfless, boundless and empty nature, state, identity and essence, pure 'Spirit' which is always free, plentiful, untouched, untroubled, whole, eternal, complete, perfect, fulfilled and at peace. What happens or does not happen in the world of things, creations, dramas and phenomena does not change, affect, harm or alter it. It does not change or make it any less or more than it really is. It remains as the unchanging and eternal 'Deathless Self' as 'I-am'.
This spiritual and philosophical realization and awakened insight into the true nature, source and essence of reality, experience and identity does not take away from what life is, it simply reveals and exposes things for what they really are. It directly reveals to us that, 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am', and all is one with this 'I-am'. 'I-am' is our very own enduring nature and the undying essence and source of all things and creations. For the true atman-yogi and truth-seeker this is the highest perception and knowing of reality, experience and identity, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, separateness, falsehood and intolerance.
For the genuine aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker, the worldly and material feelings, beliefs, views and ideas of being burdened and entrapped by the phenomenal world of space, time, creation and forms are only temporary constructs of the mind/body experience and have no real intrinsic nature or absolute reality of their own. These temporary worldly appearances, conditions, creations and dramas of life and living do not actually define, change, imprison, threaten, harm, lessen or limit who and what we really are, pure 'Spirit', even though they have the appearance, impression, thinking and feeling to do so.
What we experience as the mind/body experience is a temporary conscious self-aware embodied phenomena formed around a constructed and individualized identity or self-made image; basically a temporary and impermanent worldly projection and construct of reality, which does not actually represent experience or Reality as it really is. It is not our true undying essence, origin and unborn nature as it really is. This is why we are always asked in the esoteric pursuit and self-inquiry of Self-realization and Spiritual-awakening to eventually transcend the limiting confines, ideas, beliefs, views, opinions, dramas, constructs and attachments of the mind/body experience and the so-called intellect. We are asked to inwardly renounce and let go of our worldly conceptual sensory identity with them; fully recognizing and knowing them as unreal, impermanent, empty, selfless, impersonal and transitory. No becoming or being. Only That.
We come to intimately realize, know and no longer be fooled by the ever-changing dramas of life and their lack of genuine power and ability to permanently satisfy us, or should I say the individualized mind.
We come to fully realize and know that there is no permanence in that which is impermanent and nothing real in that which is unreal. It is important that we see and know this for ourselves otherwise we continue to be confused, harmed, fooled and dissatisfied with all that the ever-changing sensory world is, no matter how successful, rewarded, secure and fortunate we might be in life. I would say to you, if humanity and its needs had genuinely and successfully managed to find complete and permanent satisfaction, happiness and fulfilment in the worldly pursuits, pleasures, needs, dramas, creations and gains of consumerism, self-importance, power, status, pleasure and sense gratification what desire or need would there have ever been or be for the knowing of God or any spiritual path or religious teaching and esoteric philosophy?
For many of us, suffering is very real and personal, even for those who we would considered themselves very fortunate, rich, secure and successful in life and therefore our need to be rid of suffering can be very real too. Many of us, in one way or another, want to be totally and permanently free of the clutches, consequences, limitations and trappings of birth, old-age, sickness, pain, loss, sorrow, grief, fear, lack, worry, hatred, misery and death, and are no longer satisfied or fulfilled with the temporary and limiting relief that most worldly pursuits, addictions, creations and things deliver, give and bring us. We eventually come to desire to attain, have and know something that is permanent and plentiful in all that is impermanent and lacking; something that is limitless and free in all that is limited and temporary, something that is satisfactory and fulfilling in all that is unsatisfactory and disappointing and here starts our final inner journey to the eternal and immaculate Self. The 'I-am' of I am. No becoming and no being. Simply 'I-am'.
What is this?
Who am I?
What is suggested and shared here in this esoteric and philosophical blog on Atman-Yoga, is that we, or should I say the individualized mind, is temporarily misinformed and mistaken about who and what we are in relationship to the mind/body experience and what the phenomenal and material world really is.
We pursue the permanent feelings and needs of satisfaction, longevity, pleasure, peace, security and happiness in that which is always changing, or at least the mind/body identity does. The good news here is that we, if we should choose to, can undo and completely remove this false and harmful perception and misunderstanding of the phenomenal and material world; as well as undo and remove the mistaken and limited self-made identity and persona of who and what we think we are in relationship to all worldly things, events, dramas, creations and situations. We can, should we endeavor to fully wake up from the temporary induced sleep of ignorance, genuinely see things for what they really are, and stop being continuously fooled and misguided by that which is unreal, impermanent, flawed, selfless, empty, impersonal, lacking and transitory. This is not to say that life is bad or wrong. It is simply the spiritual endeavor and need to be permanently free of any form of suffering. It is the spiritual endeavor to be permanently free of the painful and limiting clutches and trappings of birth, old-age, pain, dis-ease, sorrow, loss, grief, worry, anguish, fear, lack, hate and death. It is the path to fully realizing and knowing that which is already free. The Absolute.
To completely attain and fulfil this spiritual and philosophical endeavor we have to see for ourselves as an individualized embodied expression of reality, the impersonal, fleeting and empty nature of all things, forms, dramas and phenomena. For the aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker it is the full and complete realization, knowing and knowledge that 'Only God is Real' as 'I-am'. The Deathless Self alone is. This is the highest spiritual and philosophical knowing and knowledge of knowing without knowing. Only 'God' is. All is this as 'I-AM'. Only 'emptiness' is real. This unsurpassable Truth being one boundless Reality and Identity. The 'I-am' of all that is, free of prejudice, hate, ill-will, separateness, falsehood and intolerance. I am That. You are That. All is nothing but That. That, alone is.
I am the 'I-am' of I am.
This is the essential and unsurpassable message and
Truth of
One Mind. One Reality. One Identity. One Truth.
* a quick personal explanation and context of the use of the word 'Spirit' - the use of the word 'Spirit' could as easily be replaced with the words 'intelligence' 'light', 'energy' or 'essence' but I would say no word can be exact and conclusive in presenting and communicating a spiritual or philosophical message which is beyond the conceptual and intellectual confines of mental constructs, names, ideas, beliefs, views, opinions, words and labels. Its use here is secondary to true spiritual and philosophical awakening and esoteric knowing, which does not need a word, name, belief, explanation, opinion, view, ideology or label to define it. Here in this context knowing is 'intelligence', and 'intelligence' is knowing. It is the true undying essence, source and nature of all that is and all that will ever be. For me, it is knowing the 'real' from the unreal, and the unreal as the real. It is all the unchanging and enduring Deathless Self. All alone is this. 'Only God is real' as the eternal 'I-AM'. One Reality. One Truth. One enduring Identity.
*also the use of the word 'yogi' here is to define one who aspires and is committed to spiritual awakening or one who has fully realized and knows the highest state of mystical experience, knowing and embodiment.
This is the essential and core message of Atman-Yoga. The Deathless Self, alone is as 'I-am'.
Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I-am. Life is. 'I-am' is one with all life and all life is one with 'I-am'. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."
Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'. All is this.
Song of the Deathless Yogi:
I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all.
Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.
This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful and loving embodied soul, friend and mother.
You and the Universe are one and the same.
Post-article 2023 note: on reflection this first uploaded article captures everything I would want to say or communicate on the nature of reality, experience and identity. I would say all following articles simply present the same Truth in a variety of ways to appeal to different minds, levels and states of consciousness. What is presented and offered here is all my Atman-Gita. My song of the Self. The only worthy song that I have left to voice, sing, celebrate and share. Love to all. I salute you all.
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