Wednesday, 15 July 2020

I am 'Spirit' - Self-Realisation Meditation Part 1

What is this?

Who am I?

'The Many Faces of the One' the unpublished esoteric writings and works of an aging yogi.
            I am 'Spirit'. I am free. Only God is Real as the ever-present 'I-am'. All is this!

I am the 'I-am' of I am.
What follows in this particular Atman-Yoga article is part 1 of the 'I-am pure 'Spirit' Self-realization Meditation' first written, compiled and completed in 2015 after a sustained period of deep meditative contemplation on the real nature, source and essence of reality, experience and identity.

As you may have seen and potentially read I have already added and used selected parts of this 'I-am pure 'Spirit' Self-realization Meditation' exercise in the previous articles on Atman-Yoga, and yet I feel it should be presented here in full as it was originally written, compiled and intended. 
Obviously what is presented here to all you aspiring and committed atman-yogis in all these spiritual and contemplative articles and exercises on Atman-Yoga can only be viewed as a tiny literary drop or fragment in a vast and infinite ocean of spiritual insight and transcendental self-expression, wisdom and esoteric communication. What is written and offered here can only really hint and give us a potential mental flavor, idea and taste at what is intuitively and experientially realized and known beyond the confines, illusions, projections and limitations of worldly concepts, constructs, principles, beliefs, opinions, ideas, views, labels and words. For me, this transcendental, permanent and unconditioned stillness, silence, peace, immortality, love, plenitude, bliss and freedom of eternal 'Spirit' is always present in all life, here and now, and always. 

For me, it is the very unborn essence, presence and undying source and origin of life and experience itself, and yet, for the most part, our individualized worldly embodied mind/body experience is somewhat clouded by all that is appearing, changing and disappearing in our temporary earthly embodied lives as the on-going and ever-changing dramas, situations, conditions, experiences and events that we live, act and play out.
I can assure you all as a temporary and embodied physical form of humanity my life does not present anything particular unique, special or out of the ordinary. As an embodied self, I am, at present, fully and quietly engaged in conventional and everyday life, and yet my passion and commitment to the truth and identity of pure 'Spirit' and the esoteric nature of reality, experience and identity has remained at the heart of all that I embody, live, act and do, even when life is messy, demanding, hard, complex and challenging. I can assure all who take the time to read and contemplate these unpublished collected esoteric writings and works titled 'The Many Faces of the One', I have very much lived and tested these spiritual insights and conclusions of Atman-Yoga beyond the safe haven and refuge of the meditation cushion and retreat environment and I am eternally grateful for every situation, teaching and teacher that has expectantly or unexpectantly come my way to incite and challenge the authenticity of these contemplative and meditative writings, works and insights on Atman-Yoga

I simply attempt to present and offer this spiritual blog as a form of genuine and heart-felt gratitude and reflection to all who have inspired me and supported me to fully awaken from the worldly sleep of ignorance into the perennial truth of reality, experience and identity. For me to simply ignore all that is happening in the world today and not to seek to contribute something worthwhile in response to all this, would certainly be my greatest failing in life and I can assure you as a temporary embodied form of humanity I would be considered and viewed by many to have many so-called worldly failings. And yet I know in truth I am not these things. These things do not define or limit that that I am.

In the perennial philosophy and universal truth of Atman-Yoga, the Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit' is the one and absolute unchanging, untouched, boundless, ever-present and unmoving witness and transcendental principle and source of all that is known, embodied and experienced in life, and yet these compiled and presented words and articles can never really do it complete justice. Like I have already stated, they can only potentially hint at that which is always present and true in our lives, whether we know it intimately and experientially or not. I am not assuming that these articles alone will have the miraculous power and wish fulfilling magic to suddenly send you or anyone into a spiritual and esoteric state of samadhi or nirvana, or pure boundless consciousness. I would never be this foolish or self-assuming. Although I would like to think that compiling and presenting the simplicity of this universal philosophy and perennial truth on Atman-Yoga with the simple repeated line of, 'Only God is Real' it might potentially stir and awaken the self-inquiring esoteric mind to seek to fully wake up from its material and earth bound sleep, and to discover the one absolute, ever-present and unchanging source, state, identity and essence of eternal and unconditional bliss, peace, love, beauty, immortality, well-being, plenitude, wholeness and freedom. It seeks nothing and demands nothing, and yet at the same time it is everything, everywhere and everyone.

It is the 'I-am' of I am and I am That, 'I-am'.
I can confidently and knowingly say that this universal truth of pure 'Spirit' is not hindered, threatened, affected, lessened or destroyed by the ever-changing conditions, forms, situations and dramas of conditioned and conceptual life. No matter what appearances might be, pure 'Spirit' is never in bondage, lacking or limited or in any need of liberation. Whether it be in the reclusive mountains or caves of the Himalayas or the hustle and bustle of the suburbs and streets of metropolitan towns and cities this perennial truth of pure 'Spirit' is as it is - unhindered, unmoving, free, untouched, plentiful, realized, perfect, whole and unchanging, and all alone is this. What you will read me call 'emptiness' or reality. It is the 'I-am' of I am.

As it is, pure 'Spirit', abides and transcends the confines and limitations of conditionality, conceptual reality, forms and the mind/body experience. Therefore it is not reliant on certain situations, circumstances, phenomena or events to be present. It is completely self-reliant, self-fulfilling and self-sufficient. Whether we take refuge and solitude in a secluded and reclusive cave or in the thick and everyday demands and challenges of conventional and everyday life, pure 'Spirit' is what it is, and its nature, state, identity and essence remains unchanged, unhindered, unthreatened, ever-present and unmoved by all that is and all that is not. This is the true paradox that spiritual Self-inquiry and Self-realization presents to all humanity in us understanding and knowing the way things really are and recognizing and realizing it is not the things of this world in themselves that are the cause of our unhappiness and suffering, but it is our ignorance of the absolute truth, identity and essence of pure 'Spirit', and that 'Only God is Real' as the ever-present 'I-am'. 

This is the transcendental truth of reality, experience and identity that embodies and holds all things and yet is always free of all things. It seeks nothing and demands nothing, and yet it is everything and therefore it is fulfilled, whole, plentiful and complete in all things. It is free of space, time and form and therefore complete as it is. It need not become and be anything. It need not acquire or have anything. It is complete, whole and fulfilled in and of itself. It is Absolute.
I can assure you we cannot permanently rely on that which changes as a reliable form and source of refuge, certainty and self-assurance, and yet in full-awakening to the grace and truth of pure 'Spirit' we can certainly delight in all worldly and unworldly things with freedom, love, plenitude, compassion, peace, gratitude, wonder and wisdom . For me, true self-reliance and self-assurance can only come from abiding in the truth and presence of pure 'Spirit' as the one real source, state, identity and essence of all that is. Nothing needs to happen and yet everything can happen. Nothing needs to change and yet everything can change. Nothing need be done and yet all things can be done. All alone is pure 'Spirit' as it is. It is this spiritual awakening and esoteric truth that reveals to us all that we are already one with all life, for we are life itself in all its brutal beauty, wonder and divine grace. The Deathless Self alone is as the ever-present 'I-am'. This is the light of the true Self.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.
Please consider this following statement, as strange and alien as it might sound to you, "you do not need to look for love for you are love itself. You do not need to look for peace, for you are peace itself. You do not need to look for freedom, for you are already free. You do not need to become and be whole, for you are already whole and complete as you are. You do not need to seek immortality for immortality is the one true essence and nature of all that is." Of this I am certain. 

What we seek, we already are. Only God is Real. This is the absolute and unsurpassable truth and message of Atman-Yoga. In fully-awakening we are ask to live and abide as this ever-present truth. Should we abide in and as this truth, peace, love, beauty, immortality, plenitude and freedom will live with us always. Nothing to fear in life or death for 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'. Nothing need happen and yet everything can happen. Nothing need change and yet everything can change. Nothing need be done and yet all things can and are done. This is the message of Atman-Yoga. All reality. experience and identity are 'emptiness'.
                     I am Spirit - Self-realization Meditation exercise Part 1

    I am Spirit. I am free. 
I am not the roles I play. I am not the actions I perform or the experiences I have. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.
I am free from the roles I play. I am free from the actions I perform, and I am free from the experiences I have. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.

I am not the thoughts I think. I am not the feelings and moods I have. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me.
I am free from all thoughts. I am free from the feelings and moods I have. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free. 

I am free from eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. I am free from sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and all objects of mind. I am free from all sensory realms of experience including mind-consciousness. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

I am not eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. I am not sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and objects of mind. I am not mind-consciousness. I am not the mental and physical activities of the mind and body. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.

I am free from space, time and form. I am free form birth, old age, decay, sickness and death. I am free from all worldly and unworldly phenomena, be they favorable or unfavorable, pleasing or unpleasant, rewarding or disappointing, easy or challenging. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

I am not space, time and form. I am not birth, old age, decay, sickness and death. I am not the appearance and disappearance of worldly and unworldly phenomena. I am not the duality of subject and object. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.
I am free from past, future and present. I am free from all perceptions, constructs, concepts, conditions and circumstances. I am free from the appearance and disappearance of all creation and its ever-changing myriad of forms and phenomena. I am free from the duality of subject and object. I am free from all sensory realms of experience including mind-consciousness. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me.

I am free from all opinions, views, labels and names. I am free from how others see or think of me. I am free from how I see or think of myself. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

I am not how others see or think of me. I am not how I see or think of myself. I am not the appearance and disappearance of all creation, and its ever-changing myriad of forms and phenomena. I am not the ever-changing mental and physical activities of the mind and body. I am not the false impression of doer-ship or the duality of subject and object. I am not mind-consciousness. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me, touch me or destroy me. They do not define me.

          I am Spirit. I am free.

Here I shall end part 1 of this 'I am 'Spirit' Self-realization Meditation exercise'. 

Please remember this came about as a genuine consequence and reward of continued and sustained spiritual self-inquiry and contemplation into the true nature of reality, experience and identity, and it cannot replace the importance and need of one's own self-inquiry into the true nature and essence of reality, experience and identity. It is only offered here as a source of spiritual motivation and support to fully waken us from our earthly sleep of ignorance and to be fully awake as pure 'Spirit'. 

Forever in the love, peace, plenitude, freedom, bliss, beauty, wonder, truth and grace of the one true reality and identity, pure 'Spirit', that partakes in all things and yet is free of all things.

To love is to be free of wanting. 

Thank you to all who take the time to read, support and share these spiritual contemplative articles and exercises. May they inspire and excite you to awaken and to be free from all the limiting and painful illusions of conditioned and conceptual reality. May the light of the Self shine bright in us all. I'll meet you all in love me land.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I am. Life is. I am one with all life and all life is one with me. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."
Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is real.'

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

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