Friday, 17 July 2020

I am 'Spirit' - Self-Realization Meditation Part 2

  'The Many Faces of the One' unpublished esoteric writings of an aging yogi.
        Now for part 2 of the I-am 'Spirit' - Self-realization Meditation exercise.
Personally as an embodied self, I'd like to think there will come a time in the very near future when we can all see beyond the confines, illusions, fears and limiting-identities of the mind/body experience and all the self-importance and neediness of the conceptual and conditioned world, and potentially embrace and share conventional life as one transcendental and deathless 'Spirit'. Admittedly, humanity might not manage to endure indefinitely but pure 'Spirit' is untouched, boundless, inexhaustible, ever-present and eternal, and so too its endless and impersonal myriad and diversity of expressions, forms, phenomena, realms and worlds. Who am I to say what will happen to the coming future of humanity? The only certainty I am confident of, is that Only God is Real as the ever-present 'I-am'. Beyond this I am left with little or nothing to say on how we should all live out our embodied lives. Although I certainly cannot rule out the benefit and reward of living life from a higher state of consciousness. 
I recognize and know with certainty that the beauty, bliss, peace, immortality, purity, plenitude, love, wonder and freedom of the deathless pure 'Spirit' is ever-present in our lives even if we are too materially and physically caught up and busy with our individualized embodied lives to be aware of it or know it. The truth and identity of pure 'Spirit' is there with us all, endlessly giving life to all things, free of attachment, judgement, lack and rejection. It is that which has witnessed and known all the changes, conditions and challenges of our impersonal and temporary embodied individualized lives and yet it forever remains unchanged, free, unthreatened and unmoved by all that is and has taken place. It alone is all things. All is the Self, filled with the Self, by the Self and forever remaining as the Self. All is 'emptiness'. 

It simply remains silent, timeless and still as the unchanging, unborn, timeless and unmoving Deathless Self and allowing all life and sentient lives to freely and abundantly play and act themselves out. It asks nothing of us for it is already whole, perfected, fulfilled, blissful, plentiful and complete in and of itself, and yet this unborn, ageless and undying pure 'Spirit' can be endlessly expressed and shared in all things - a song, a dance, in service, in love, in movement, in stillness, in solitude, with others and in silence. All of conditioned and conceptual life is transcendental and of  pure 'Spirit'. Only God is Real. This is the ever-present light of Self.

It is not my individualized worldly agenda or mission to attempt to prove or argue a philosophical or spiritual point as to gain favor or agreement with anyone or to attract anyone's personal attention, recognition or praise in these spiritual contemplative writings and works on Atman-Yoga. This too is simply life playing and acting itself out, as to freely live and express the truth and identity of pure 'Spirit' as best as it can for the sake of its own impersonal and immaculate self-expression. 'Spirit' remains as it is, regardless of what is done or not done. Its nature, state, identity and essence is not changed by all that comes and goes, or is done and not done. It alone is - unchanging and whole as it is.
Perhaps humanity will endure and move beyond its own self-importance, selfishness and sometimes damaging illusions and ideas of self-grandeur and potentially the world will be a far better place for it. Simply to live and love with the transcendental knowledge, freedom and truth of pure 'Spirit' without the attachment or need of self-importance, power, ownership of others, greed, authority, status, control and superiority over others. To simply see and know the beauty, purity, plenitude, unity and innocence of the deathless and eternal 'Spirit' in all things, and to freely live, act and love from this transcendental and formless platform of Self-realization and Spiritual-awakening. No limited identity. No agenda. No stance. No demands. No division. No self-importance. No spiritual ignorance. No authority. The simple purity, knowledge and grace of 'Spirit'. The truth that 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'.

                     I am Spirit - Self-realization Meditation Part 2

    I am Spirit. I am free.

What does it matter if I am liked or disliked? What does it matter if I am viewed or seen as good or bad, right or wrong, pure or impure? What does it matter if I am the target of praise or blame, fame or misfortune, affection or ill-will? I am not the false impression of doer-ship or the duality of subject and object. I am not the ever-changing mental and physical activities of the mind and body. I am not the appearance and disappearance of all creation, and its myriad of forms and phenomena. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me or destroy me. They do not define me.

I am free from praise and blame, fame and misfortune, affection and ill-will. I am free from good and bad, right and wrong, pure and impure. I am free from guilt, shame, elation and sorrow, gain and loss, fear and certainty. I am free from the ever-changing mental and physical activities of the mind and body. I am free from the false impressions of doer-ship and the duality of subject and object. I am free from the appearance and disappearance of all creation, and its myriad of forms and phenomena. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.

I am free from struggle and the end of struggle. I am free from suffering and the end of suffering. I am free of the worldly forces of attraction and repulsion, expansion and contraction, creation and destruction. I am free from ignorance and the end of ignorance. I am free from existence and non-existence. I am free form action and in-action, emptiness and fullness, comfort and discomfort. I am completely free from the appearance and disappearance of all forms and phenomena. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.

This is the ultimate truth of who and what I am. I am Spirit. I am free. Always have been and always will be. What does it matter if I exist and have form because worlds come and go; phenomena appear and disappear; forms begin and end. This includes the body and mind, objects of mind and mind-consciousness. This includes the false impression of doer-ship and the ever-changing mental and physical activities of the mind and body. This includes the duality of subject and object, and the appearance and disappearance of all creation and its ever-changing myriad of forms sand phenomena.

All sensory realms of experience and phenomena are impermanent, impersonal and imperfect. Here for a limited time only. I am not the false impression of doer-ship. I am not the ever-changing mental and physical activities of mind and body. I am not the duality of subject and object. I am not the worldly criteria of mind and body, or mind-consciousness. I am not the appearance and disappearance of all creation and its ever-changing myriad of forms and phenomena. These things do not limit me or imprison me. They cannot hurt me or destroy me. They do not define me.

    I am Spirit. I am free.

I am free to be myself - pure 'Spirit'. So I offer this spiritual affirmation and incantation of complete Self-realization that pure 'Spirit' partakes in all these things and yet it is free all these things. I offer the spiritual affirmation and incantation that states:

              I am Spirit. I am free. All is Spirit. All is free.

This is the message of Atman-yoga. Only God is real. Abide as this truth in all things.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

        Pure 'Spirit' is what we are and not something we have to become and be. Blessings to you all.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I am. Life is. I am one with all life and all life is one with me. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is Real.'

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021.

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