Sunday, 29 November 2020

Inspirational Source Material

 The Many Faces of the One  - the unpublished collected esoteric writings and works of an aging yogi.

          'I-am 'Spirit' daily affirmation 

'The knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' blesses and fulfils me in all areas and facets of my life and world. Pure 'Spirit' provides me with every blessing in abundance. I am always deeply connected to the plenitude and loving grace of pure 'Spirit'. With pure 'Spirit' I always live in the fullness, plenitude and beauty of life. The recognition, knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' firmly establishes harmony, unity, beauty and peace in my life and world. I am always at one with pure 'Spirit' in all worldly circumstances and situations. With pure 'Spirit' I am always making the right choices and taking the right actions in all areas, facets and moments of my life. With pure 'Spirit' I am deeply fulfilled and blessed in all areas, facets and moments of my life and world. Pure 'Spirit' is the one absolute source and origin of all power and plenitude in my life and world. With total trust and faith in the knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' I am always truly blessed and fulfilled. I radiate pure 'Spirit' at all times, in all places and in all my individualized thoughts and actions. I am always deeply connected and at one with pure 'Spirit'. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace.'

                                                     YOU ARE A SKY FULL OF STARS

If you have accidently or intentionally found this esoteric blog on the spiritual matters of Atman-Yoga, to help save you from having to painfully read or contemplate anything that is presented here in this impersonal and contemplative esoteric blog titled the 'The Many Faces of the One', I would highly recommend to you the following spiritual reading source material I will list somewhere below. 

Over the many blessed and focused years of my own impersonal and personal spiritual desire and on-going pursuit for the highest spiritual knowing and knowledge of the transcendental nature, source and essence of reality and identity, pure 'Spirit' (Godhead), I was fortunately blessed with the divine grace of various spiritual reading source material, as well as teachers, to inspire, excite and challenge my own spiritual aspirations, commitments, needs and so-called esoteric growing insights and conclusions. Not that this transcendental knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' (Godhead) is the sole possession and ownership of any one individual or group of individuals. As I see it and know it, it is certainly readily available to all who aspire to know it. It is our natural and ever-present state of 'knowing' - 'I-am'.

For me, this spiritual knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' (Godhead) is what we are truly are, even though some will make personal claims of spiritual superiority, authority, ownership and esoteric knowledge. I can assure you, I do not make such claims here or do I claim anything new or revolutionary to present to you, only that the highest knowing that is recognized and known in my own experiential experience of fully-awakening and knowing is expertly communicated in the suggested reading source material I have carefully selected and listed here, and mostly, it is communicated much more elegantly and poetically than I ever could attempt to do.

As you might know from browsing and looking at this esoteric blog on Atman-Yoga, I make no personal claims to any particular individual teaching, organization or dogma. The creation of this blog, 'The Many Faces of the One' was to simply make available to other like-minded souls, who like me have a real passion and genuine hunger and thirst for spiritual knowledge and esoteric awakening, the intuitive and collected writings I had made and held on to over the years of spiritual Self-inquiry, meditation and contemplation to verify my own individualized unfolding and deepening spiritual awakening experience and journey.

I can assure you what is presented here as a suggested list of spiritual reading source material would have served me even better had I been blessed and graced with them at the very beginning of my own aspirations, needs and efforts for authentic spiritual awakening and esoteric knowledge, some 30 years ago, and this is why I present them to you now. But in some ways I am glad and fortunate that they came much, much later, as true spiritual knowing and knowledge, the highest esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing, transcends the limitations, expectations and conditions of the mind/body experience and the intellect. And yet I would say that we can certainly get a real flavor and genuine taste of what true esoteric 'knowing' actually is. This spiritual reading source material can give us an intellectual glimpse into the endless and unborn void of true spiritual transcendence and esoteric knowing ('I-am' Self-realization).

                                              EXPERIENTIAL KNOWING OF REALITY

Personally I would consider this suggested reading source material invaluable but not absolutely essential, as true spiritual awakening and transcendental knowing comes with the on-going committed authentic desire and passion for spiritual awakening and the divine grace and blessing of pure 'Spirit'. Nothing presented here can adequately replace the genuine awakening of one's own sincere will and act to awaken to one's own experiential transcendental awareness of Pure Being (Godhead) - the true nature and essence of 'I-am'. What is presented to you here is what I feel fully embodies the flavor and essence of the highest esoteric knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' (Godhead), the knowing of 'knowing', that I feel verifies my own experiential knowing and knowledge of Atman-Yoga (returning back to Godhead). It will also included many past and present world renowned influential spiritual teachers and genuine masters that might be of interest to you.

Personally and impersonally, as an individualized embodied form called 'body', I will still continue to add and refine the remainder of my own compiled spiritual writings and works on Atman-Yoga as and when I feel directed, but I can assure you I place no personal self-importance on them. It is simply a genuine directed act of love and respect for the beauty and plenitude that is life itself, and in loving honor of the beautiful gift of spiritual awakening and the knowing of pure 'Spirit' (Godhead) that is certainly available to all. For me, 'being fully awake' is the highest act and action of life and love. It is the highest embodied expression of 'I-am'. All alone is this. Only God is Real.

     As always, heartfelt love, peace, plenitude, gratitude and beauty to all worldly and unworldly souls in the highest esoteric recognition, knowing and knowledge of  pure 'Spirit' (Godhead). For me, you are a sky full of stars, and like Coldplay writes, "such a heavenly view". You are such a heavenly view. All love. All one. All alone is this - 'I-am'. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace.

Inspirational Reading Suggestions:- '

    'In The Light of the Self' by Alistair Shearer on Adi Shankara and the Yoga of Non-dualism.

    'Before I Am: The Direct Recognition of Truth' - Mooji.

    'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal talks on Zen Meditation and Practice' - Shunryu Suzuki.

    'I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. 

    'Being Aware of Being Aware' - Rupert Spira

    'The Nature of Consciousness: Essays on the Unity of mind and Matter' - Rupert Spira

    'The Transparency of Things: Contemplating the Nature of Experience' - Rupert Spira

    'The Intimacy of All Experience' - Rupert Spira

Meditation Material Suggestions:- 

    'Mindfulness in Plain English' - Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

    'Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English' - Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

    'The Bhagavad-Gita

    'Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya' - Swami Ashokananda.

    'Nan Yar: Who Am I? - Sri Ramana Maharshi

    'The Upanishads' introduction and translation by Eknath Eswaran.

    'How to know God: The Yoga Aphorisma of Patanjanli' - Translated with a commentary by Swami        Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood.

    'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' - Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Should I unexpectantly or expectantly leave this temporary and ever-changing and aging individualized embodied form called 'body' any time soon then I have knowingly left the very best of what I know this form called 'body' has to offer in genuine love, plenitude and gratitude of what this life has spiritually graced and blessed it with. Personally, what more can one really ask of life?

Forever at the Divine feet of Pure Knowing and Blissful Being, 'Spirit'. I alone am. All is this - 'I-am'.

         This is the essential and core message of Atman-YogaThe Deathless Self alone is.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I am. Life is. I am one with all life and all life is one with me. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is real.'

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'. All is this.

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021.

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