Sunday, 27 December 2020

The Many Faces of the One

The Many Faces of the One: article 19  - the unpublished esoteric writings of an aging yogi.

       'I-am 'Spirit' daily affirmation 

"Pure 'Spirit' is the one true source of all power and plenitude in my life and world. In and with the knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' I am truly blessed and fulfilled. I know that the abiding presence and unlimited power of pure 'Spirit' continuously fills my entire being. In and with the knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' I fully recognize the true power and plenitude of an infinite intelligence that can overcome and remove all obstacles in the fulfilment of all goals, needs and blessings. In the knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' I am always safe and secure in all facets and areas of my life and world. I know and accept that it is with the knowing and knowledge of pure 'Spirit' that all my needs and desires are always met and fulfilled. My knowing and faith in pure 'Spirit' is real and enduring. With my trust and faith always firmly established in the infinite power and plenitude of pure 'Spirit' I know all things and needs can be accomplished. In and with the loving grace of pure 'Spirit' I am truly blessed and fulfilled beyond any personal desire and need. With pure 'Spirit' I am deeply and continuously fulfilled and blessed in all areas and facets of my life. I radiate pure 'Spirit' at all times, in all places and in all my thoughts and actions. I am always deeply connected and at one with pure 'Spirit'." OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I am', peace, peace peace.

                                                            THE MIND OF NO-MIND

Whatever form life takes or whatever appearance it takes on, it is all the transcendental expression of the one undying absolute reality and identity, pure 'Spirit'. The Absolute has no real purpose. It is not bound by any action. All the world events do not affect it. It remains unchanged and unaffected by the on-going activities and dramas of the phenomenal world of things. You are both in the world and you are the world. In fact you are not different from the world, and the world is not different from you. By helping your self you impact the world. By awakening and knowing the unborn and unmade Self, we free the world and let it be. We no longer hold no position, no stance, no side, no agenda, no opinion, no authority or self-importance. Everything is free to be what it is. As the Self we free all creations of grasping and attachment. We cannot fear what we are. To accomplish and attain spiritual Self-realization is to abide in the Self, with the Self, and as the Self. As the Self we we expect nothing, and yet all is available to us and we are one with all things. Our sense and knowing of who we are is free of all things, therefore we are content and fulfilled in all things. We, the atman-yogi, demand nothing and we do not oppose anything. Nothing needs to happen and yet everything can and does happen. Nothing needs to change and yet everything can and does change. The seer, the seen and the seeing are one. The hearing, the heard and listener are one. The knower, the known and the knowing are one. One Absolute Perfect Unification of all things - Sat-Chit-Ananda

'I' and the Universe are one. 'We' and the Universe are one. What we know to be the form called 'person' is now and eternally the deathless and unchanging Self, pure 'Spirit', behind this and every other life, but to be told so or to believe it is not enough for us. Self-Awakening, the release from our own self-imposed sleep, is still essential to realize it. What we call a 'person' is always identical with the Unmade Self, which is Pure Being, Sat-Chit-Ananda

                                                    TRUTH, CONSCIOUSNESS, BLISS

The real 'I', or should I say, 'I-am', is not the so-called body or any of the five senses, or the sense objects, or the organs of actions, or the so-called 'mind', or even the deep sleep state that has no cognition of these things. In Self-Awakening and Self-realization we are overcoming and exhausting the identity with the body and the identity with their associated activities, and so too with the mind and all mind-objects and mental impressions. When the identity with the mind disappears into the Self then only the Self is seen as real. Only God is real

Our identity with the Source is always there but we are not aware of it. We are not aware of it as it is not an object to be aware of. It is that which is aware. It is that which knows. It cannot not be known with the mind, as it is that which knows the mind. With the mind there is always something to be done. There is always something to be gained or done away with. With the mind there is the interplay of subject and object. The idea of Self-realization is but a thought. It is a yearning and craving of ignorance. Self-Awakening is the end of doer-ship. It is the very letting go of the idea of things that need to be done. Until this illusion of 'doer-ship' is lifted and exposed for what it is there is always something to be done. So too with the spiritual path of the one who walks it. Until the idea of path and the one who walks it are transcended then the path needs to be walked. The realization of one who awakens is that there is no path and no one who walks it, and yet path and no path are identical. Therefore all is necessary in the knowing of knowing. The Source is the only one real reality and identity, and all reality and identity is the Source. The world is no more real that the individual who sees it. It is all a question of the realization of the true Self, the one who is the seer, the seen and seeing; the knower, the known and the knowing. We ask ourselves, "who is the doer of all these daily and moment-to-moment activities?" "To who do these experiences happen or belong?" Certainly 'I-am'. Surely this would be ridiculous to deny, for who would it be that denies it? So, who am I? What is this?

                                                                   FINDING ME

The true Self is here and now. Nothing is independent of the true 'Self'. It is all to do with renouncing one's own separate individuality which is superimposed on to the real Self. It is the idea of a 'person' identity, I-am-the-body and its associated sensory activities. The person identity is a construct of the mind. The mind is a construct of the sensory activities. The Self alone is all things. In the knowing of knowing we perform all activities of life with detachment and non-identification, and regard only the Self, pure 'Spirit' as real. Nothing that the body does can touch or remove us from the abidance in our true natural state which is pure 'Spirit'. Only God is real. When this is realized the world ceases to exist as an objective reality. All is seen to be one despite the appearance of separateness. The person who sees the real Self sees the Self alone in the world also. Only the Self alone is as 'I-am'.

True spiritual Self-realization is the identity with the unmade Self. In truth we are already free. In truth there is no real bondage. The idea of bondage is illusionary. The most important thing concerning Self-realization is the investigation of the 'I'. "Who is it that suffers?" "Who is it that has doubts?" "Who is it that has experience?" "To who does sensory experience belong and happen?"

It is suggested to us that all unhappiness and misery is due to the idea of ego, the feeling and sense of individuality and separateness in relationship to all experience and phenomena. This being the mistaken identity with the mind/body experience. With this mistaken mind/body identity comes all our troubles and dramas of life. As long as we consider ourselves to be the body we see and experience the world as separate and external to us. Self-realization is overcoming the mistaken and false identity with the mind/body experience and recognizing and knowing the whole world as the Unmade and Unchanging Self

                                                       THE EMPTINESS OF THINGS

The world is no more real than the individual that sees it. All suffering is due to the false notion of the 'I-am-the-body', or 'I-am-the-doer'. Self-realization is the removal of the mistaken idea of separateness and individuality. It is the complete union with the unmade Self. We search and find the truth that is always within and with us, and is us. It is here and now. It is not in some past or distant future. It is always present to us for we are it. It is and has always been available to us, we have simply remained blind to it. The world has no reality or identity apart from the true Self. Reality must always be real. It has no names or forms but it is what underlies all things. It underlies all limitations, being itself limitless. It is not bound in anyway. It underlies all unrealities being itself real. It is that which is and always is, regardless of the coming and going of worlds, dramas, constructs and phenomena. All is this. It transcends all things and yet gives life to all things. It transcends all ideas, beliefs and concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, pure and impure, being and non-being, existence and non-existence. Reality is oneness itself. It is life eternal. It is not something that we need strive for because it already is and it alone is. All striving is simply the hindrance of the mind

         This is the essential and core message of Atman-YogaThe Deathless Self, alone is.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I am. Life is. I am one with all life and all life is one with me. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is real.'

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.


This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021.

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