Friday 26 February 2021

The Many Faces of the One

What is this?

Who am I?

The Many Faces of the One: article 27 - the unpublished esoteric writings of an aging yogi.   

"All the world is itself Divinity. Imperfection is the real illusion. This is what it is to be lost to love, and the unity and boundlessness of all life. This is absolute Oneness. I am 'That'. All is 'That' as 'I-am'."                      

                                                 THE MANY FACES OF THE ONE

            The unpublished esoteric collected writings and works of an aging yogi.

"For the one who is genuinely and fully awake to the truth and identity of Reality, the atman-yogi, there is no action or role they need perform although all actions and roles can be selflessly and freely acted and done regardless. There is no place they need venture or go to as they are already permanently residing in all places. There is no-thing that they need acquire or have as they are already one with all things and all things are one with them.

For the genuine atman-yogi, no-thing or situation need change and yet all things can and do change. No-thing need happen and yet all things can and do happen. No-thing need be done and yet all things can and are done. This is the esoteric and supreme knowing and knowledge of the fully liberated embodied self-aware soul, an atman-yogi, that the Divine, the universe, creation and all things that reside in it are identical and of the same eternal essence, source, state, identity and nature. All in God, with God, as God, of God and absolutely, God in all. One Reality. One Identity. 

For the fully awakened and embodied self-aware atman-yogi, Only God is Real as the unborn, ageless, formless, timeless, perfect, inexhaustible and undying 'I-am' - pure 'Spirit'. The Deathless Self alone is. This esoteric knowledge and knowing is the highest and unsurpassable spiritual realization, state and knowing of an atman-yogi. This is the unsurpassable and supreme realized state and knowing of the individualized liberated mind that is fully awake and free from the temporary worldly sleep of ignorance. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. All is this 'I-am' of  I am."

I am the 'I-am' of I am.


This particular blog page was still a work in progress when uploaded - articles 1 to 15 on this blog are mostly complete. Everything else on this esoteric blog on Atman-Yoga is still a work in progress as lifted from my personal collected contemplative notes and writings on the true nature of reality, identity, experience and the individualized embodied self-aware self. At this point in this blog I had finished transferring all my recorded and collected esoteric writings and notes on to this blog. I will now simply continue to do my very best to refine, correct, tidy and expand each article and page and add any additional notes or corrections as and when I am directed or inspired to, should it be needed.

Personally, I am mostly satisfied that the core message of Atman-Yoga is here for all truth-seekers to see, examine, challenge, dismiss, investigate, question and ponder. Its authenticity and truth will have to be the genuine discovery and direct experiential experience of one's own Self-awakening experience and knowing into the true nature, source, origin and essence of reality, identity, experience and esoteric Self-realization. Admittedly I do not see or identify myself as a writer, influencer or teacher, but I am confident that you will get a real taste and flavor for what is selflessly and freely available, communicated and offered here. Being that you are Reality itself, where you are now, is a good and fruitful place to start. For me, all reality, identity and experience are the selfless Self, filled with and by the Self, and always remaining as, of and with the Self. Only 'emptiness' is, even now in this moment as with all moments of experience, experiencing and self-knowing. Like I have already said, I simply would like to share my own experiential recognition, realization and knowing of truth, reality, experience and identity as best as I can with others, so it too might potentially inspire, influence and help as it has continually and successfully helped me - the so-called embodied me, navigate the ever-changing ups and downs of everyday life. This spiritual knowing of Truth being what I am happy to call the God knowing person - the Deathless Yogi.

" be separated from what we like and love can be suffering. To be united and in the presence of what we dislike or even hate can also be suffering. To not get and have what we want, crave or desire can be suffering and to get what we do not want, crave or desire can also be suffering. So; What is this? Who am I? What does permanence look like?

                                                     LIVING BY THE LIGHT OF SELF

I can assure you all that I have no personal hidden agenda, motive or expectation attached to these spiritual writings and works when it comes to others. The ever-present ''I-am' is without destiny; being free of beginning, middle and end, time, space and forms. I have simply done as inwardly directed in the events of this unfolding embodied self-aware life. Its true merit and authenticity will be of its own making, testing and genuine integrity, and only truly recognized and acknowledged with the loving and enduring support of the willing and directed souls and truth-seekers who visit, support and share this some what poorly designed and put together esoteric blog. As I've already stated, I certainly do not consider or identify myself as a writer, influencer or spiritual teacher. For me, it is only the heart and substance of the esoteric message conveyed and embodied here on this esoteric blog that has any real and lasting substance, importance or value to me. It is both lived and a living experience. It is all a selfless invitation and calling to our true innate and ever-present true Self. The 'I-am' of I am, and its enduring nature and presence is a palpable silence and stillness in the midst of all things and creations.

A personal dedication: May the Great Awakening of pure 'Spirit' be your own. Blessed and precious are those who have fully embodied and authentically realized, embodied and radiated this sacred and boundless truth of 'I-am'. May these self-realized and embodied souls and truth-seekers long continue to sit, stand, walk and live among us, whether in deep unbroken silence and solitude or with a booming and commanding instructive engaged voice and deliver us all from worldly ignorance and the temporary worldly state of suffering. The essence and the whole of Atman-Yoga is this supreme knowledge that, the Deathless Self alone is and all is this. Divinity is our one and true ever-present reality, identity and nature. This is the embodied and sacred knowing and radiance of an authentic and fully liberated soul, an atman-yogi, who is completely one with all things and all things are one with them. They intimately, directly and whole-heartedly know and embrace all things to be the unborn, changeless, limitless, ageless, timeless and deathless pure 'Spirit' - 'I-am'. They have fully realized their true identity with the Absolute, and see and know the Absolute to be all things. We and all things are all Reality itself. Ever-present, boundless, plentiful, blissful, perfect, immaculate, eternal and free.

It is all the 'I-am' of I am.

All love. All peace. All beauty. All one. All bliss. All light as the eternal, abundant and supreme 'I-am'. Sincere blessings, gratitude and love to all who whole-heartedly and directly venture into the heart, depths and truth of the Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit'. The Deathless Self alone is. Of this I am certain. To this I forever remain sincere, committed, bound, identified and true. May all hearts, minds and souls know the unconditional peace, love, beauty, wisdom, purity, plenitude, well-being, freedom, bliss and unity that we all are, and completely embody and abide in this miraculous and ever-changing life as this knowing of knowing without knowing of 'I-am'. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. I am the eternal 'I-am' - unborn, ageless, limitless, inexhaustible, boundless, ever-present and deathless.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

Abundant and heartfelt blessings to all who genuinely embody and radiant this esoteric truth of 'I-am'. Such awakened and enlightened souls are a welcomed blessing to us all. May you all discover directly and intimately the sacred and perfected one that resides in you and all, and permanently and effortlessly embody and radiate the Divine at all times, in all places, and in all situations and circumstances. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. I alone am as 'I-am'. All is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. Form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. This is the ever-present light of the true Self.

" loose what we like or love can be suffering. To have what we dislike or even hate can be suffering. To be in the company of what is painful can be suffering and to be separated from what brings and gives us pleasure can be suffering. Therefore; What is this? Who am I? What does permanence look like?"


You and all alone are the eternal Deathless Self. You and all alone as 'I-am' is the Deathless Self. Not as mind, awareness or mind-consciousness but simply as 'I-am', in, with, as and of all things. No things or realms of existence exist independent of the eternal and immaculate Deathless Self, and yet the Deathless Self always remains unchanged, untouched and free of all thingsThis is the true paradox of spiritual Self-realization and knowing, that the Deathless Self alone is all things and all things have their existence and being in and with the Deathless Self alone, and yet the Deathless Self remains forever untouched, unchanged, unaffected, unaltered, unthreatened and unmoved by all worldly or unworldly appearances, things, dramas, creations and phenomena. All is the Self, filled with and by the Self, forever remaining as, of and with the Self. We are all Reality itself. No birth, no old age, no decay, no lack, no bondage and no death. Simply 'I-am'.

It is continually said and stated by truth-seekers both past and present that when things, forms and phenomena are seen to be separate and independent then they are known to be unreal, empty and transitory, and yet when things, forms and phenomena are realized and known to be no-thing but the Deathless Self alone then they are real, permanent and eternal. 

You and all things exist always as the impersonal, ageless, selfless, timeless and boundless pure 'Spirit'. Essentially we are Reality itself. For us, seeing and knowing the Deathless Self as a result of spiritual Self-inquiry and Self-realization is only us recognizing and remaining as the true Self that we already are and have always been. The Deathless Self always is, regardless of appearances, forms, behavior, dramas and circumstances and all things and creations are one with it. All separateness and individuality is born of the individualized mind, has its place in the mind and is ended with the mind. So too with suffering and the end of suffering. And with bondage and the liberation from bondage. The Deathless Self alone is. It is the one true source, essence, nature, identity and origin of all experience and phenomena including 'I-am'. All phenomena and realms of experience, experiencing and existence come from the Deathless Self alone and have their being in the mind and mind-consciousness and yet they always continue to abide in the Self, with the Self, of the Self and as the Self. All experience is the Self filled with and by the Self. No-thing is different or separate from the Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit'. All appearances, forms, dramas and phenomena are the illusions and projections of the individualized mind, and the mind has its self-less and impersonal being in the Deathless Self. The mind is one with the Self, and yet the mindmind-consciousness and all objects of mind do not affect, alter, threaten, lessen, taint, improve or change what the true immaculate Self is. 

The Deathless Self alone always is - unchanging, unmoved, ageless, fulfilled, plentiful, whole, complete and supreme. All is this. This is the one true essence, identity and nature of all things. This is their true absolute state, essence and nature, regardless of appearances, circumstances, behavior, creations and things. Concepts, ideas, beliefs, views, opinions, preferences, labels and names only have their place in the mind; born of the mind, belonging to the mind, and ending with the mind, and therefore they are only relative to the mind and mind-states and have no impact or reliance in us fully knowing this truth of the Deathless Self. Our true essence and nature lies beyond the limits, opinions, views, ideas and concepts of the mind and yet the mind too is one with this essence. It alone is as 'I-am'. It is Reality itself. You are this Reality. All is this Reality. One enduring and ever-present Reality.

If we are to say that the 'I' thought or the thought of 'I' is an illusion of a conditioned, conceptualized and individualized self, then who is it that recognizes or realizes this illusion of a conditioned, conceptualized and individualized self'? We could say that the 'I' thought gives up the illusion of the 'I' and yet remains only as the 'I' thought. What I would say is that all there is, is 'I-am', which is free of any individualized mind and permanent 'I'. The 'I' itself has its being in 'I-am' and is always one with 'I-am'. The 'I' thought has its being in and with 'I-am' but it is not 'I-am'. For me, spiritual Self-realization is to remain fixed in and as the Deathless Self always; our sense of being, identity and presence, what I call 'I-am', even with the appearance and disappearance of the 'I' thought, it is always fixed in the Absolute as its true formless and perfect home; a home of infinite potentiality and endless possibilities that it has never truly left. It is the very idea and belief of having left this home that is the real illusion and the cause of suffering. All has its being in, of and with 'I-am'. Separateness and individuality are the real limiting illusions.


       "By the habit and ignorance of the human condition, we as an ever-changing mind/body experience see ourselves and the world we inhabit and partake in as being substantial, real, reliable, concrete and enduring. In the spiritual and palpable silence and stillness of 'I-am' we soon come to fully realize and know directly that all these things and creations that we attach so much self-reliance, need, certainty, permanence and self-importance on and to, are always marked, conditioned, limited and shaped by change, transition and impermanence. Therefore we fully recognize that there is nothing enduring in that which is conditioned, created and conceptual and no permanence to be found in that which is impermanent and marked by change. In this clear, direct and honest seeing of the way things really are in conceptual life we are no longer fooled, limited or trapped by them. We realize that despite appearances, all conditioned and conceptual things, dramas and phenomena are transitory, empty, subject to change and fleeting. No-thing conceptual truly belongs to us. Many of our frustrations are only as a result of us not being able to control and stop change, and yet all of conditioned and conceptual life is always in transition and changing. It is all marked, conditioned and led by impermanence. This is the clear seeing of insight, that all things, phenomena, dramas and worldly events, be they labelled as good or bad, right or wrong, pure of impure, worldly or unworldly, favorable or unfavorable are permanently marked, conditioned and shaped by change, transition and impermanence. We fully realize and accept that there is nothing lasting to be found in that which changes and is transitory and here now lies the opening to Self-Realization - Truth."

Attachment to the body and its parts can only lead to suffering. There has to be that which is permanent to be able to discern that which is impermanent. There has to be that which is unmoving to be able to discern that which is moving. There has to be that which is unchanging to be able to discern that which is changing. There has to be that which is finite to be able to discern that which is infinite. There has to be that which is with form to be able to discern that which is formless. There has to be that which is unborn, ageless and deathless to be able to discern that which is with birth, old age, decay and death. The mind changes. The body changes. The world changes. 

The mind is of the nature to favor and want only that which is pleasant, rewarding and pleasing. It is also of the nature to disfavor and not want that which is unpleasant, unrewarding and displeasing. The mind due to its habits, preferences, conditioning, urges and ignorance will seek out, crave and desire only that which is pleasing, pleasurable, favorable and rewarding; and the mind due to its habits, preferences, conditioning, urges and ignorance will do all it can to avoid and not have that which is unpleasing, painful, unrewarding and unfavorable. For these reasons there is no lasting and enduring happiness, peace or freedom to be found in the desires, attachments, demands and cravings of the mind, which so too serve the urges and needs of the so-called body. Of course the body needs food, shelter, warmth, protection, medicine and rest. These needs come with the consequence of having a body. The body is always vulnerable to the elements, danger, sickness, dis-ease, decay and death. What is created can be destroyed. Therefore attachment and identification with and to the body cannot bring us permanent peace or immortality. So too with the mind. This is the wisdom of clear seeing and insight into the true nature of things, identity and reality. There is no permanence to be found in the body, mind and the ever-changing world of the senses and their ever-changing sense objects. These things do not endure. Therefore what endures transcends these things. This is the unsurpassable and ultimate truth of reality, experience and identity that we must seek to realize and know in order to be awake and free from the grip and sleep of ignorance. To put it simply. It is to fully know what Reality is.


What I speak of and communicate in these esoteric writings and works is beyond existence and non-existence, and yet is also one with existence and non-existence. Anything that can be named is not what I speak of. What can be named is open to misinterpretation, rejection and misrepresentation. It is far better for everyone that it remain nameless, although names are used to speak of it. Everything is of 'emptiness', never having left or being separated from 'emptiness'. All is fulfilled, whole and at peace in this transcendental knowing. This, for me, is the highest palpable state of esoteric knowing that is attainable by those who through the grace and blessing of God seek to attain it, and yet in its realization nothing is really acquired and attained. All is as it has always been. The false self is simply cast aside.

With the spiritual wisdom and yoga of insight I see and know the body to be unreliable, uncertain and impermanent therefore I place no importance on it or do I attach to it. I do not identify with it, and yet I also do not reject it, harm it or abuse it. I simply acknowledge and accept it for what it is. The same can be said with the mind and all objects of mind. So too with the ever-changing world of the senses, sense-objects and mind-consciousness. All that can be known is marked, conditioned and shaped by impermanence. Therefore I do not seek permanence, security and reliance in these things and creations. Temporarily they can bring us sensory moments and sensations of  pleasure, gratification, reward and self fulfilment, and yet all this will come to pass. All things will come to pass. All things will at some time cease to exist, and we are powerless to stop it. No one is to blame. No one did anything wrong. It is simply the way things are. No-thing created or made endures, except Reality itself and you are this enduring Reality as the ever-present 'I-am'. Only 'emptiness' is real.

In the spiritual Self-realization and esoteric Awakening of the Absolute, pure 'Spirit' we, or should I say the individualized mind, are no longer held prisoner or victim by the idea or belief of an enduring, unchanging and individualized self (ego) that is born, ages, decays and dies. The subject of knowing, the known and the knowing are all seen to be one enduring Reality. It is all one pure enduring 'Spirit'. We see that all suffering begins with the mind and ends with the mind, and pure 'Spirit' is beyond and free of the modifications and states of the mind. The genuine truth-seeker and yogi of spiritual knowledge seeks to abide with that which is Real, which is their own true nature and enduring Self. In this esoteric Self-realization of pure 'Spirit' what is realized had never been left, and is realized to be all that is. Separateness and individuality are the real illusions. This Truth is an enduring and permanent state of direct experiencing, knowledge and being - Sat-Chit-Ananda. A palpable state of plenitude, fulfilment, beauty, bliss, freedom and belonging beyond all the trappings, limitations and boundaries of the ever-changing phenomenal world of things, perceptions, creations and forms; an enduring spiritual state of perfect harmony, peace, beauty, purity, freedom and belonging. 

In this Great Awakening, the Divine, the universe and all creations are recognized and known as one and the same. All in God, with God, as God, of God and God in all. Only God is Real as the enduring 'I-am'. We are this enduring Reality, as all is this enduring and perfect Reality. No birth, no old age, no decay, no bondage and no death. I am you and you are me. This unborn, ageless and deathless Reality is all there is. The Deathless Self alone is all things. One ageless and inexhaustible Reality.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

This Great Awakening is the esoteric Self-realization of the Absolute, pure 'Spirit', behind, with and as all our lives in whatever manner, condition or form we find life to be. To be awake is to manifest that level of Pure Being, 'Spirit', in all situations, events, conditions, dramas and circumstances at all times; to genuinely and authentically radiate and embody the Divine in all places and in all thoughts and actions at all times. When truly and fully awake this will naturally shine unhindered with no effort or interference on the part of the individualized mind or intellect. You simply are That which you have always been, and the illusionary limitations and trappings of all that is unreal are relinquished. You are finally awake from the temporary sleep of ignorance. No birth. No death. No suffering and no end of suffering. No bondage or liberation. Simply 'Pure Being' as 'I-am'. All is this enduring and ever-present 'I-am'. The ever-present light and truth of  the true Self.

                                      OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace.

"All the world is itself Divinity. Imperfection is the real illusion. This is what it is to be lost to love, and the unity of all life. This is absolute Oneness. This is the highest realization and knowing of an atman-yogi."

      This is the essential and core message of Atman-YogaThe Deathless Self, alone is as 'I-am'.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I am. Life is. 'I am' is one with all life and all life is one with 'I-am'. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is real' as the eternal 'I-am'. All is this.

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'. Only 'emptiness'.

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

An additional post-article 2023 note: You might ask why so much written material to convey such a concise and simple spiritual message. It is important to note that there have been noticeable stages and levels to the recognition and exposing of Truth and the letting go of identifying with the mind and body and creation. Like the peeling away of the layers of an onion. As each layer is removed the Truth becomes more exposed to the point Truth is all there is to see, experience and know. All that was false and unreal was done away with revealing the one Truth that endures and gives rise and substance to all things and creation. For me, this is very much how all this has played out and therefore what was written evolve too. Even now it is challenging to be satisfied with what is written here as I feel it does not do it real justice and could easily just lead to more confusion and debate.


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The Many Faces of the One

What is this? Who am I? To all those world-wide embodied souls  and truth-seekers who might or have visited and viewed this spiritual and ph...