Wednesday 7 April 2021

The Many Faces of the One

    The Many Faces of the One: article 28 - the unpublished esoteric writings of an aging yogi.      

 'The one true and absolute reality, identity and essence of the so-called individualized self is the Deathless Self. All alone is this. I am 'That', 'I-am'. Form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. All is this as the undying, ever-present and eternal 'I-am'. I, alone, am 'I-am'.

                                                                        What is this?

                                                                          Who am I?

                                                             THE IMMACULATE SELF

What I present here for all you inquisitive and aspiring atman-yogis and truth-seekers on this esoteric and transcendental blog of spiritual self-reflection, self-inquiry and Self-realization is the very heart and essence of my individualized self-less and impersonal self-aware transitory and embodied existence. It is nothing separate from that, that I-am or anything else for that matter. As a temporary and individualized self-less and impersonal self-aware embodied form called 'body', I am no one or person of any special, gifted or unique qualities, intellect, status, mind, authority, power or self-importance, and these things are of no direct personal self-importance to me. They are all as fleeting, empty and transitory as is conceptual and conditioned reality, existence and identity.

As I see and know it, the so-called temporary things, forms, perceptions, constructs, dramas and events of this ever-changing and transitory sensory world of experience and experiencing, no matter how beautiful, satisfying, fulfilling, pleasant and desirable they might be, will all eventually come to pass, cease and end. For this is the ever-present and on-going universal characteristic of impermanence bound to all conditioned, created, produced and conceptual things, events, forms, constructs, realms, identities, dramas and worlds. For me, my only authentic esoteric endeavor and commitment is to fully honor and to remain absolutely true to what I spiritually know, live and embody regardless of all worldly and unworldly appearances, phenomena, events, realms, views, ideologies and forms, and the ever-changing on-going challenges, dramas, needs, conditions, desires, urges and demands of this so-called earthly, miraculous, transitory, strange, beautiful, messy and embodied life. Of this I am very clear. Of this I am absolutely certain. I am as 'I-am'. And so too with all things. 'I-am' is all, and all reality, experience and identity are 'I-am'. Plain and simple. This is the indestructible 'light', essence and truth of the true ever-present, immaculate and abiding deathless Self. The origin and source of all things.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

For what it is worth, I simply would like to openly and freely share my own impersonal and personal realized and embodied experienced truth and revelations of reality, experience and identity, as I see and know it to be, so it might too help others as it has continually and successfully helped me navigate the ever-changing highs and lows of an embodied self-aware life and transitory existence - the so-called embodied individualized 'me'. For me, the only true and genuine esoteric yoga is that which fully unites us all back with our authentic, absolute, enduring and immaculate Self - pure 'Spirit'. For me, any other so-called form, use or interpretation of yoga is not true esoteric yoga

What I attempt to present here on this spiritual and philosophical blog is the truest and highest esoteric yoga that fully unites us with the direct self-recognition, self-knowing and knowledge of our true authentic and immaculate Self - pure 'Spirit'. This being the ever-present, unchanging and abiding 'I-am'. It reveals to us all that all reality, experience and identity is 'I-am', and only 'I-am' alone. In truth all reality, experience and identity are one as the ever-present and immaculate 'I-am'. It is the one true enduring Reality of all Reality. The one true and ever-present identity and origin of all creation and forms. It endures eternal whilst all things, worlds, dramas and creations come and go. 

The 'I-am' of I am.

Personally, I feel and do as spiritually directed and nothing more. This is where this so-called embodied conceptual and self-aware life has taken me and I am forever blessed and grateful to all those kind and awaken souls and individuals who have selflessly, patiently and lovingly played their part in gently and sometimes harshly guiding and getting me here. It all is as it should be. As we all are aware and come to eventually know, only through the true blessing and grace of God, pure 'Spirit', does the genuine desire for the highest spiritual truth of reality, experience and identity and full embodied esoteric Self-realization and yoga come to us all in the end. This esoteric Self-realization of pure 'Spirit' being the highest realization, knowing and knowledge of reality, experience and identity. This truth being that the Deathless Self alone is. What I reference here as 'I-am' and this 'I-am' being the true eternal 'light' of the Self. It is that which goes by many names and yet is the one enduring identity and source of all.

Presently as I see and know it, I am this 'I-am' and all is this 'I-am', as the undying, ever-present and eternal 'I-am'. At this point in my spiritual communications of this spiritual knowledge on the nature and truth of reality, experience and identity, I am certain. Of this I am very clear. The Deathless Self alone is. I am as 'I-am'. And so too with all things. All alone is 'I-am'. This is the ever-present 'light' of the Self tied to all things. For me, this is the highest transcendental truth of reality, experience and identity. I am That. You are That. All is That. There is only one reality and all reality is this one enduring Reality. Plain and simple! No exceptions. This is the ever-present unity of all creation and nothing to this day has convinced me otherwise - tat tvam asi.

What is this?

Who am I?

                                          EMPTINESS, 'I-AM' and the DEATHLESS SELF

I put it to you all, that form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. Only 'emptiness', and 'emptiness' is all. All experience and experiencing comes from 'emptiness', has is being in and with 'emptiness'; returning to 'emptiness' and forever remaining in, with and as 'emptiness'. For me, this is the highest individualized and impersonal esoteric self-knowing, knowledge and embodiment of reality, experience and identity. It is the unsurpassable and absolute selfless fully realized state and embodiment of an awakened mind and heart. The Deathless Self alone is and all is this. Plain and simple. I am as 'I-am'. For me, this is the truest and only genuine transcendental yoga. This is the highest yoga that fully frees the mind and heart from the limiting and painful illusions of reality, experience and identity.

I am in you, as you are in me. We are one and the same.

I live in you, as you live in me. We are one and the same, as the ever-present 'I-am'.

For me, the Deathless Self alone is, and it is to this esoteric and unsurpassable truth of reality, experience and identity that I fully relinquish and surrender the wants, urges, demands, preferences, challenges and needs of the ever-changing individualized mind and so-called intellect. I expect nothing of anyone and I always acknowledge and honor that I am always one with all things and all things are one with that, that I-am, despite the ever-changing appearances, events, dramas, forms and conditions of this ever-changing sensory world and its multitude of ever-changing sense objects, phenomena, perceptions, constructs, dramas and forms. I am in essence and by nature the unchanging 'Deathless Self', as with all things, forms, creations and phenomena. In this full and embodied spiritual self-recognition, self-knowing and knowledge of the self-less and impersonal Self, all things, forms, perceptions, constructs, creations and phenomena are realized and known as the one absolute and abiding self-less and impersonal Self. This Self alone is, and this Self alone is the true transcendental nature, source, origin and essence of all conceptual and conditioned things, phenomena, constructs, creations and forms. 'I-am' as 'I-am'- emptiness. Call it 'light' or 'spirit' if you prefer, and yet it too can remain nameless. It is that which need not be named and has no other.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

Fully in this knowledge and knowing of Self all sensory experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' and only 'emptiness' alone. All things have their being and existence in, with and as 'emptiness'. This is the ever-boundless, abiding and supreme esoteric self-less Self-realization and natural state of a fully awakened and embodied soul. They abide fully awake in 'emptiness', with and as 'emptiness'. This 'emptiness' is seen and known to be the one true ever-present essence, source, origin and permanent state of all that is. All is 'emptiness' as the ever-present 'I-am'. You too are this. I am as 'I-am'. This is the truth and essence of true transcendental yoga. The Deathless Self alone is. All is 'I-am'.

For me, conditioned and conceptual life, as we all live, experience and know it, is its own spontaneous self-less and on-going impersonal cosmic dance of becoming and being and this ever-changing transcendental dance of becoming and being has its being in and with me, and I have my embodied and individualized self-aware being in and with it, as we all do. All is verily the Deathless Self alone as the ever-present and knowing, 'I-am'. What I also refer to here as 'emptiness', 'oneness' or 'light'. It is that which goes universally by many names and yet it can also remain nameless. As I state, it is the 'I-am' of I am. It is the one true essence, origin and source of all creation.

                                       I am in you, as you are in me. We are one and the same.

For me, this is the absolute oneness and unity of all life. For me, oneness is our true undying essence, source and permanent state regardless of all appearances, forms and worldly differences. For me, separateness is the real illusion. Oneness is the true absolute, state and essence of reality, experience and identity. The Deathless Self alone is - unborn, ageless, unchanging, pure, undying, free, empty, ever-present, plentiful and eternal. All as it is by its very nature is this formless, inexhaustible and immaculate Self. It is all the ever-present and undying 'I-am' - pure 'Spirit'. I am in you, as you are in me. I live in you, as you live in me. The so-called individualized mind is the only obstacle in this esoteric and highest self-knowing of knowing without knowing, therefore by giving up the so-called mind, the truth of reality, experience and identity will come clear to us all, for we are always this boundless truth and realization of pure 'Spirit'. I live in you, as you live in me. We are one and the same. I am you, as you are me. This is the ultimate oneness, nothingness and unity of all conceptual life. All is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. What this 'emptiness' is, we cannot really say. It simply is, as it is and all is this boundless and inexhaustible 'emptiness'. It is the ever-present, unchanging and abiding 'I-am'. Plain and simple. The inexhaustible and indestructible 'light' of the true Self - 'I-am'.

What is this?

Who am I?

                                                               THE LIGHT WITHIN

For me, this esoteric knowing of the Absolute (be it 'God', 'Krishna', 'Allah', 'Reality', 'Light' or 'Oneness') does not require, need or expect me to become or be anything, for I am already all that I am as the ever-present 'I-am' and will always remain so; and so too with all creation and its ever-changing myriad, complexity and diversity of forms, constructs, dramas and phenomena. Despite all worldly and unworldly appearances, realms, dramas, constructs and forms, we are all in some way looking and searching for a home that we have never truly left. In this esoteric and unsurpassable knowing of knowing without knowing, the Deathless Self alone is, and both the so-called individualized mind and body are unified in this knowing of knowing without knowing, and so too with the so-called intellect. In this esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing all is as it is, and nothing more. Plain and simple. No drama. No fuss. No BIG deal. No self-importance. No color. No race. No gender. No history. No story. No form. No he did this to me, or she did that to me. No they did this to me or they did that to me. No life did this to me or life did that to me. No blame. No past. No future and no real remaining present. No real agenda. No above or below. No inside or outside. No birth or death. No bondage or liberation. Simply - 'I-am'. Pristine and immaculate - untouched, unchanged, unhindered, unaltered, unlimited and always free of all things, suffering, dramas, phenomena, creation and forms.

For the self-less and impersonal individualized self-aware embodied one who is genuinely fully awake from the temporary sleep of earthly ignorance, the atman-yogi, all at its true essence and source is the Deathless Self alone existing as everything, everyone and everywhere at all times. All is the Deathless Self, as it is. You and all are the Deathless Self that is everything, everyone and everywhere at all times. I am you, as you are me. All sensory or non-sensory experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' simply playing out and dancing. The whole universe and its myriad, diversity and complexity of things, dramas, creations and forms is only 'emptiness' playing itself out and dancing. Form is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is form. Only 'emptiness'. All is boundless and transcendental 'emptiness' as the ever-present, impersonal and immaculate 'I-am'. I alone am 'I-am'. This 'I-am' being the Deathless Self. 'I-AM' is our true immaculate and enduring nature, identity and permanent state. This is the true beauty and mystery of life and once seen it is seen everywhere and in everything and everyone regardless of appearances.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

For the true and fully realized atman-yogi this knowing of knowing without knowing, is the highest Self-realization of esoteric knowledge into the true nature and essence of reality, experience and identity - realizing and knowing oneself as the undying All. For me, this is the highest awakened state of a genuine and fully liberated and embodied soul; one who has attained to the unsurpassable knowledge and self-knowing of the Deathless Self, pure 'Spirit', which is the true essence, state and source of all that is, all that has ever been and all that will ever be. Having genuinely fully realized all reality, experience and identity as Oneness; as being Divinity itself, be it unborn, ageless, formless, eternal and deathless, the atman-yogi is no longer identified with or attached to the temporary embodied physical body or the individualized mind and intellect. The genuine atman-yogi is fully and genuinely awake and free from the mental sleep of worldly ignorance and only identified with all reality in its myriad, complexity and diversity of forms as being pure 'Spirit', which in essence is all things and all experiencing of experience and phenomena. 'I-am' is fully realized, embodied and known. It is the Self as the Self, with the Self and remaining always as the Self and having always been the Self.

Conditioned and conceptual life, as we live, play and know it, still goes on. Humanity still continues, and yet all is seen and known to have its being in, with and as the Absolute. I am in you, as you are in me. I am you, as you are me. We are one and the same despite the ever-changing and on-going illusionary play and dance of appearances, projections, constructs, ideas, dramas, differences and forms. All is 'emptiness' and 'emptiness' is all. Only 'emptiness'. What this 'emptiness' is we cannot really say. It simply is as 'I-am'. It is the one eternal and ever-present substance, state and essence of all things - unborn, causeless, formless, indestructible, eternal, immaculate, plentiful and deathless. It is the 'I-am' of I am. Once realized and known with all the intimacy and directness of authentic knowing the ever-present light and beauty of the Self is recognized and seen to be everywhere and in everything and everyone at all times. There is nothing that can hindered it, limit it or remove it. It shines eternal.

       'It is all 'emptiness' endlessly playing out and dancing. All is 'that. You are 'That'. I am 'That'.'

What is this?

Who am I?


What I speak of and communicate here to all potential and aspiring atman-yogis and truth-seekers cannot be destroyed, threatened, improved or impacted on by the demands, wants, needs, opinions, differences, urges and expectations of others and the ever-changing sensory world of things, forms, constructs, phenomena, creations and dramas. It does not rely on anything outside itself and yet all things have their being in and with it and as it. Reality as the self-less and impersonal Self is filled with the Self, and forever remaining as the Self. It is infinitely self-sufficient and self-reliantand the ever-changing myriad and multiplicity of realms, worlds, forms, dramas, events and phenomena do not lessen it, alter it or add anything to it. It can't be threatened, imprisoned, changed or destroyed. Not by living or death. It is always whole, perfected, eternal, untainted and complete as it is, and this is the unbreakable foundation and platform of this esoteric knowing; the knowing of knowing without knowing and the sole transcendental message and perennial truth of the Atman-Yoga presented here. All is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. Simply this 'emptiness' as the ever-present and enduring 'I-am'.

For the genuine fully realized and awakened atman-yogi this is the very heart, essence and truth of all things, forms, phenomena, dramas, creations and experiences. It is the absolute and indestructible unification of mind, body and spirit, and all things with the immaculate and self-less Self, universally and spiritually known as 'oneness' - the Deathless Self alone being all that is. No dogma. No doctrine. No teaching. No spiritual or religious authority, superiority or ownership. Simply truth as it is in the stillness, purity and silence of esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing. This knowing without knowing being the complete and absolute unity, 'emptiness' and oneness of all life and all things. Nothing left to do, be or say. Nothing to gain or lose. Simply 'oneness'. As it is. Reality, experience and identity as it freely is. Divinity as it is. This is the highest esoteric Self-realization and knowing of an atman-yogione who is truly awake from the worldly sleep of ignorance. This is the universal esoteric realization and knowing of all the mystics, truth-seekers and immortals, both past and present. The Deathless Self alone is. One reality. One identity. One Absolute - 'I-am'.

It is the 'I-am' of I am.

For the individualized mind that is fully awake from the temporary illusion and sleep of ignorance, the Deathless Self alone is - unborn, untouched, ageless, unmoving, undying, boundless, plentiful, pristine and eternal. Essentially, all is this. Reality and identity are this. For the awakened one who knows themselves as the Deathless Self alone, all reality is this immaculate Self. There is nothing other than this Self. This Self alone is. All reality is the Self filled with the Self, forever remaining with and as the Self. All alone is this. This is the highest transcendental state and knowing of Atman-Yoga. The highest realization and knowing of an authentic atman-yogi and  truth-seeker. All that is done to the body and the mind has no real impact on our true nature, state, identity and essence. These worldly things, creations and dramas of experiencing belong to the ever-changing world of the senses and their sense objects and the mind/body experience. Essentially we are always free of what the world really is, regardless of conditioned and conceptual appearances, forms, phenomena, events, dramas, creations and situations. It is only the temporary ignorance and delusion of what reality, experience and identity really are that causes suffering, bondage and the end of suffering.

In the complete esoteric knowing of reality, experience and identity we can all fully acknowledge and accept life for what it truly is and embody an abiding peace and embodied free state that truly transcends it and yet fully embraces it too. This is simply done by us waking up the individualized mind to essentially what we truly are, and what we have always been. It is the transcendental realization and knowing of reality, experience and identity as the immaculate Self, filled with the Self, and always remaining as, of and with the Self. All experience and experiencing is only the ever-changing self-less and impersonal playing out and dance of 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form and form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. This is why we state in this esoteric knowing of reality, experience and identity that the Deathless Self alone is. All reality is this as the ever-present 'I-am'. This is the true and unsurpassable transcendental yoga of reality, experience and identity - Atman-Yoga. The true inexhaustible light and truth of the Self. The 'I-am' of I am.


A personal embodied loving dedication: May you all, in whatever way fulfills you, make Atman-Yoga your own, and may you know directly and intimately the absolute unity, nature, source, 'emptiness' and abiding essence of all conditioned and conceptual life and creation. May your individualized and embodied self-aware life be generously and abundantly graced and blessed with the esoteric knowing and unshakable transcendental peace, beauty, purity, bliss, freedom and plenitude of the immaculate Self, pure 'Spirit'. May pure 'Spirit's unconditional transcendental love, purity, innocence, beauty and divine presence grace and bless you with the one unity, essence and plenitude of all life and creation, and may your individualized and embodied self-aware life knowingly, actively and beautifully continuously flow and move from this boundless, abundant, still and silent place; selflessly and freely being in the limitless transcendental self-knowing presence and divine grace of God, pure 'Spirit', at all times, in all situations and in all places.

As I see, live and know it, all is always one with this formless, immaculate, selfless and boundless place of transcendental plenitude, stillness, silence, freedom, purity, well-being, innocence, peace, unity, love, bliss and beauty, as the Deathless Self alone is. All of life and creation in whatever form or manner it appears has its being with, from, as, of and in the Deathless Self alone, pure 'Spirit'. For me, this is the absolute unity and indestructible transcendental essence, source, state, origin and nature of all life and the ever-changing sensory world of things, forms, conditions, events, dramas, creations and phenomena. I am that 'I-am'. All is this 'I-am'.

The Deathless Self alone is as the ever-present and abiding 'I-am'.

For me, be it Divinity, God, Light, Oneness, Truth, Allah or simply Reality, this is our true undying, indestructible untouched, deathless and eternal state, source, identity, origin and essence. Presently, of this I am very clear. Of this, I am fully certain. This unsurpassable universal and transcendental Truth is the indestructible, limitless and boundless place of 'love me land'. For the aspiring and committed atman-yogi and truth-seeker this is the highest state and self-knowing of spiritual Self-realization and self-knowledge, that the individualized mind realizes all reality, experience and experiencing as the Deathless Self aloneFor the mind that fully realizes its true identity with the Deathless Self , all reality is this ever-present and boundless Self, as it has always been and will always be. Simply this as 'I-am'. All experience and experiencing is 'emptiness' continuously playing out and dancing. This is the true inexhaustible purity, beauty, plenitude, unity, peace, bliss and freedom of esoteric knowing. Absolutely nothing can threaten it, harm it, destroy it, lessen it, improve it or end it. Despite the appearance and disappearance of all things and phenomena it forever remains ever-present as it is - unchanged, untouched, unmoved, unthreatened and deathless. Only 'emptiness'. All is this as the eternal and ever-present 'I-am'. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-AM', peace, peace, peace.


The ever-changing conditioned and conceptual things, creations and forms in this so-called world of phenomena and constructs that appear and seem to divide and threaten us are only ever the temporary illusions and ever-changing dramas, preferences and projections of the individualized mind. The individualized mind is not our true abiding home. May you all in this esoteric knowing of knowing without knowing find transcendental peace, acceptance, plenitude, beauty, bliss and love in all things, being they favorable or unfavorable, pleasant or unpleasant, testing or rewarding. May you all consciously and knowingly fully abide in and as your true immaculate home, and for those who willingly and whole-heartedly venture, examine and contemplate the pages and articles of this esoteric blog my sincere, deepest and heartfelt gratitude, respect and love to you all. 

As I have already stated, I only would like to openly share my own personalized and individualized self-aware realized and conceptualized truth of reality, experience and identity as I know it so that it might too potentially help others as it has continually helped and guided me. I'd like to think, like me, you too will realize and know directly and intimately the true and full miraculousness of a full embodied life and fully accomplish and establish an embodied and palpable free state of peace, beauty, simplicity, bliss, acceptance and love in that knowing of reality as it is despite the strangeness and fleetingness of it all. I'll meet and see you all in 'love me land'. Sat-Chit-Ananda.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

For me, we are always one, you and I. Separateness is the real illusion. All one. All 'light'. All 'Spirit'. All loved. All whole and free as the ever-present eternal 'I-am'. I live in you, as you live in me. I am you, as you are me. We are one and the same. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, Svaha. Gone, gone, gone beyond, completely gone to the other shore. Live life fully embodied by the light and beauty of the true Self - 'I-am'.

                                           "Before enlightenment, drink tea and chop wood.

After enlightenment, drink tea and chop wood."


I am forever at the feet and grace of the Divine - the ultimate truth of reality, experience and identity. May all sentient beings everywhere fully realize and know directly and embody this Great Awakening of pure 'Spirit'; that the Deathless Self alone is. This is the life. This is what it is, and it does not have to be anything else but this. At peace with it all. In love with it all. At one with it all. May you, who willingly and wholeheartedly venture into the inviting void of the unknown and unseen but seen, find your true abiding self-less and boundless Self in these pages and be at peace too with all life, despite its challenges, disappointments, changes, strangeness and imperfections. May all individualized minds be free of suffering and the end of suffering; free of bondage and liberation, and embody the highest, perfect and supreme spiritual realization and self-knowing of an atman-yogiOM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-AM', peace, peace, peace. I'll meet you all in 'love me land. Sat-Chit-Ananda.

                                                   FOR EVERYONE'S PEACE OF MIND

"I am ever present to those who have realized me in every creature. Seeing all life as my manifestation, they never separate from me. They worship me in the hearts of all, and all their actions proceed from me. Wherever they may live, they abide in me." Bhagavad-Gita (6:30-31). 

"When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were their own, they have attained the highest state of spiritual union." Bhagavad-Gita (6:32).

"They alone see truly who see the Lord the same in every creature, who see the deathless in the hearts of all that die. Seeing the Lord everywhere, they do not harm themselves or others. Thus they attain the supreme goal." Bhagavad-Gita (13:27-28)


"Being your true self-less and impersonal Self does not require you to do, say or be anything. The world can be as it is. Life can be as it is. All the time we are caught up in the idea and concept of being a so-called person or individual there is always something to do, say and be, even if it brings great benefit and justice to the world. When genuinely and fully enlightened into the undying essence, source and nature of reality, experience and identity all can be as it is, for all is with God, in God, of God, from God and as God. Plain and simple. One abiding and ever-present reality and identity as 'I-am'. Be it the saint or the sinner; the lover or the hater; the foolish or the wise, the fortunate or unfortunate. What we abide in, as and with is unmoving, untouched, inexhaustible, unthreatened, empty but full, full but empty, silent, formless, boundless, pure and free of all things and yet it too is one with all things and all things are one with it. This is the highest esoteric knowing and wisdom of a fully enlightened mind and spiritually embodied self-aware existence. This is the fully embodied and awakened mind and heart of a genuine atman-yogiThis is a fully realized and perfected embodied life that is attainable and available to us all regardless of circumstances, status, wealth, identity, persona and intellect. 

In this Great Awakening of esoteric Self-realization all worldly differences are finally extinguished and only the deathless and boundless unity, light, beauty and oneness of all life is forever embodied as our true undying essence, source, state, identity, origin and nature. The one who is fully awake from the temporary worldly sleep of ignorance is forever abiding and acting in the esoteric knowing, knowledge, presence and state of God (God-consciousness). They are one with the whole universe and the whole universe is one with them. For they truly know that it is all the selfless and impersonal Self, filled with the Self, by the Self, as the Self and forever remaining as, of and with the Self. For me, this is the highest fully embodied esoteric realization and knowing of a genuine perfected atman-yogi. For me, there is no higher spiritual knowing and permanent state than this. It is all 'emptiness' spontaneously playing out and dancing. Only 'emptiness'. Live and love life fully and freely by the light of the true Self."

                                                'I'll meet and see you all in 'love me land'.

"All with God, in God, of God, from God and as God. The Deathless Self alone is as the eternal and indestructible 'I-am'. All things are of God, and have their being in and with God. God is the one true undying source and essence of all that is, and yet the existence or non-existence of things and phenomena does not alter, change, threaten, improve, lessen or affect what God (Reality and Identity) truly is. This is the transcendental 'oneness' and unity that I know and speak of. This is the 'oneness' that is present in all things and all things are present in and with this 'oneness'. The individualized mind is the trickster and the deceiver. With the mind there is always something to disagree on and make enemies with. With the mind there is always something to do, to gain, to get rid of; somewhere to get to or retreat from. With God and in God there is only the undying unity, plenitude, beauty, bliss and oneness of all things, creation and life. This is what it truly is to be in love and free of worldly preferences, forms, constructs, consequences and conditions.

May all sentient beings know this too and radiate it and see it reflected and celebrated in all things regardless of their appearance, form, manner, status, identity, persona and behavior. This is the supreme and indestructible abiding peace, knowledge, plenitude, beauty, bliss and perfection that transcends all things. It remains forever untouched, unaffected, unthreatened and unaltered by all that is, and all that will ever be. OM, shanti, shanti, shanti. 'I-am', peace, peace, peace. Nothing left to do, say or be. Simply 'I-am'. The Deathless Self alone is - unborn, causeless, ageless, untouched, timeless and deathless. Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, Svaha.Gone, gone, gone beyond, completely gone to the other shore. Fully realized and embodied in the light of the Self - I am that 'I-am'.

'For the one who fully identifies and knows the self as the Deathless Self, all is seen to be the Deathless Self. For there is nothing but the Deathless Self. The Deathless Self alone is. All is pure 'Spirit. What I call 'emptiness'. The ever-present light and beauty of the immaculate Self.' It is the 'I-am' of I am.

I am the 'I-am' of I am.

A personal note: Should you, the reader, not feel inspired or committed to look and venture beyond the viewing and reading of this initial opening page can I gently and unconditionally suggest that you at least consider the following 2 spiritual publications as valuable and insightful sources of spiritual Self-inquiry into the true nature, source, state and essence of reality, experience and identity; 'Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya' - Swami Ashokananda and 'In the Light of the Self: Adi Shankara and the Yoga of Non-dualism' - Alistair Shearer. These 2 particular esoteric embodied publications only came into my presence and knowing some 4 or 5 years past, and yet I was deeply moved and reassured by the clarity and wisdom presented to us all in them. I am truly blessed and grateful to have lived an individualized and embodied self-aware life that has been graced and touched by them. To Dattatreya, Adi Shankara, Swami Ashokananda and Alistair Shearer my deepest gratitude, respect and love.

  May we all find love, clarity and peace in the unity of all life in the knowing and grace of the Divine.

"All the world is itself Divinity. Imperfection is the real illusion. This is what it is to be lost to love, and the unity of all life. This is absolute Oneness. This is the perfected and perfect realization and knowing of an atman-yogi; one who is fully awake to the Divinity of all that is."

        This is the essential and core message of Atman-Yoga. The Deathless Self alone is, as 'I-am'.

Atman-Yoga Daily Mantra: "I-am. Life is. 'I-am' is one with all life and all life is one with 'I-am'. Oneness in body. Oneness in mind. Oneness in all things."

Atman-Yoga Daily Meditation: 'Only God is Real' as the eternal 'I-am'. All is this. No exceptions.

Song of the Deathless Yogi:

                                        I am 'emptiness'. All is 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is all. 

                                    Form is 'emptiness'. Only 'emptiness'. 'Emptiness' is form'.


This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Additional post-article 2023 note: It is strange to look at these articles now and observed the obvious repetition and unstructured nature of these spiritual writings and works. I can only apologize for the way they are presented. I never approached any of this as an experienced writer or with any intention to be a writer. Much of what is presented here it simply added to this blog as it was written and recorded in my notebooks where I had recorded what came to me with periods of personal self-inquiry, meditation and contemplation. I am still confident that the core message is here despite my on-going ramblings. Each article gives a definite and palpable flavor and taste of what is being continuously pointed to.

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