Thursday, 21 July 2022

The 4 Sacred Treasures

The 4 Sacred Spiritual Treasures

My first greatest treasure is, meditation.

My second is, silence.

My third is, solitude.

And my fourth is, fasting.

For me, these are my 4 greatest and sacred treasures,

My dearest and nearest spiritual friends.

Whenever I am with my four friends,

The seeds of understanding and compassion ripen.

My mind becomes serene and clear,

With an ocean-like awareness,

Reflecting and revealing things as they really are.

May these four spiritual friends be companions to all the world.

May they be treasured and loved by all who know them,

And as long as sentient beings exist may they too exist,

Bringing bliss, freedom, beauty, love, wisdom and peace to all the world.

May I live to protect them, to share them, to honour them and to love them.

May I never forget them, or disown them, or neglect them.

Wherever these 4 treasures are, may people adore them.

Wherever these 4 treasures are, may people love and protect them.

May whoever should endeavor to cultivate, embody and live these 4 spiritual treasures,

Be they completely free of all suffering, attachment and ignorance,

And be a tangible and palpable joy to all the world and its ever-changing creations.

May their lives silently and freely direct all beings to perfect peace, love, freedom and bliss.

The ultimate and supreme state of complete esoteric Self-realization and pure wisdom.

Lokha Samathaha Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy!

This esoteric blog is dedicated to my earthly mother 'Rita' who transitioned on the 12th December 2021. A truly selfless, kind, beautiful, spiritual and loving embodied soul, friend and mother. 

Post-article 2023 note: this particular article was written very early on in my attempts and exploits of examining and investigating the truth of reality, identity and experience. This was over a period when I was heavily involved in Buddhist studies and attending Buddhist retreats. Despite my present spiritual and philosophical tendencies and exploits to be more leaning towards Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) and Bhakit Yoga (devotion) as stated in other uploaded articles, my Buddhist studies and experience has played a large, important and valuable part in reaching the spiritual and philosophical conclusions and revelations that are presented here throughout this esoteric blog. All fingers pointing to the same enduring and ever-present moon, so to speak. All paths leading to the same destination and outcome.

You and the Universe are one and the same.

Here ends this spiritual communication.


A World in Crisis

Post Manuscript World Contemplation Intro: 11/24  - " You think you are the wave but you are the ocean. This is the truth I point to. ...